the luke and noah show

Apr 23, 2009 03:00

ATWT, 4-21


Lily called Noah the love of Luke's life. *goofy grin*

I don't care what anyone says, I really love how viciously Holden is fighting for his boys. We know Z&Z are behind the kidnapping, but Holden doesn't. And given Damian's history, I don't blame Holden for being all angry papa bear about Luke and Noah.

L: ...because if I had just know, if I had just known.

The guilty heartbreak in his voice. :*(

Margo does a pretty good job of calmly listening and getting the facts. I liked her this ep. She didn't brush off their fear as they told the story. AND SHE EVEN TOOK THE RANSOM NOTE FOR PRINTS! FINALLY, SHOW! Her little sputtering as she tries to keep Luke from smudging anything, heeee! Though, dude. Next time your boyfriend is kidnapped (and this is Oakdale, there will be a next time), you might want to lead with the fact that you got delivered a RANSON NOTE. Oh, Luke. You're speshul, but I still love you.

L: There's your kidnapper. ... I'll give you the damn money, just tell me where Noah is!

L: How can we get money from the bank to pay off the ransom?
Lily: I'll call the bank and find out the best way to handle this.
L: Okay. It has to be the fastest way. It has to be the fastest way--

Luke is so determined to pay the money ASAP and get his man back. Best.boyfriend.evah. Noah = worth more than a literal million bucks to his Luke. :X Though I'm not sure how much is actually left of that million or how much Z&Z actually thought they'd get, considering how much was tied up in starting the foundation and daily costs. That's kinda why they had donations and needed volunteers in the first place.

L: How can you tell me not to pay the ransom? If I don't, Noah will get killed.
M: You've got to get something first.
H: Like what?
M: It's called proof of life.

The way she's hesitant to say it, omg. I heart you, Margo.

L: No, Noah's alive.
M: I'm sure that he is. I'm absolutely sure that he is.
L: So, you're just asking me to keep Noah in danger.
M: No. I'm asking you to do everything you possibly can to get Noah through this safely.

Emo face. ♥ And lookit Luke's hair o' perfection. ♥ ♥

L: You really want to help me?
D: Of course.
L: Then call whoever you have to call to get Noah out of this.
D: I would if I could. You have to believe me.
L: I wish I could.

HE WISHES HE COULD. *sniffles*

I wanna kiss whoever's in charge of the lighting during the hostage scenes. They have that whole *frame Noah's face at dramatic angles* thingie down to perfection. Guuuh.

My mind is in such a dirty place right now. Especially the way his eyes kept fluttering open and closed alsdfkjas.

N: No no, please, don't put that back on yet. I can't breathe with it on.
Z: For a big strong guy, you are such a wuss.


Luke walking around in a daze, omg. :( Why didn't he call his BFF Casey to be with him? Only in soaps can your lover get kidnapped and no one know aldfka.

Zoe: If you think he doesn't miss you, you are out of your mind.

What's crazy is that she's telling the truth. She definitely knows Noah's missing Luke. Heh. Zoe tickled me in this scene. They're both more fun to watch once they turned evol, heh. Or maybe it's just me knowing this storyline is winding down and they'll both be gone soon aldkjalakjda.

Zoe: If I was in your position, I don't know what I would do. Just the thought of someone taking Z and to think about him hurting and calling out my name. And I could stop it all just by signing a check. I just don't that I'd be able to hold out.
L: Okay, you know what? No offense; this isn't helping. I have to go home.

You can tell Luke went off to the bad place, imagining the horror of it all. Ow, my heart.

Z: Sorry, sorry. Go home, put your feet up, feel better. Just try not to think about what poor Noah is going through.

BITCHY MCBITCH. AHAHAHAHA. Also, Luke looks near tears there. :*(

And now this break in our regularly scheduled Nuke as I sum up all the Holden/Damian/Lily scenes:

Lily: *heavy sigh*


M: We're gonna hold you on suspicion of kidnapping, Damian. The prints match yours.

Dude, Oakdale has the fastest lab EVAH.

Zac: It's not Luke's money; it's our money.

For someone not related to Zoe, he sure does lay a lot of claim to that money.
Maybe he'll turn on her later and save his Monster! *bounces*

L: I can't lose you, Noah.
Ree: *wibble*

Misty-colored meeeeeemories, omg. Oh, Luke. How much do I love that the memory he latches on to is their first time? When they were at their closest, most open and loving. I just... *sob*

Phone text: Come fast. Come alone.

That sounds like a really bad first date. :P /random

The way Luke jumps up from his chair and swings around to the door like a superhero aldfjkas. SAVE YOUR MAN, SUPERLUKE! BUT WAIT! FIRST LEAVE A NOTE WHERE YOU'RE GOING! WAIT! ...dammit.
And also:
Cos, well, Luke already got run over by a car in this storyline, right? Surely they won't hurt him again, right? Right?

L: Noah, oh my god! Are you all right?

The way Luke is breathing hard. ♥ AND HANDS ON THE NECK O' HOTNESS. ♥

N: Luke, what are you doing here?
L: I got your text.

Uhh. He says this as he's untying Noah. I'm thinking that shoulda been his first clue that Noah didn't send that text. >.< Yes, I suppose as far as Luke knows, Noah could've gotten free long enough to send the text and then the kidnapper rebound him better or whatever. But still. Pfft. Also, Noah is only worried about his woobie, awwww.

N: Whatever it said, it's a trap. You gotta get outta here before they come back!
L: No, I'm not leaving without you.

1) TEH LOVE ♥ 2) My brain won't stop vidding that line + this storyline to Maroon Five's Won't Go Home Without You. IT'S SO PERFECT Y'ALL.

Luke's *ZOMG REACTION SHOT* to finding out it's Z&Z behind the kidnapping, hee!

Finally! A gun! I was srsly wondering how in the world they got Noah to lie to Luke with that first phone call otherwise.

L: Zac, Zoe, you guys are behind this?

He keeps working at getting Noah untied as he talks. ♥

L: ...if you're after money, we can talk. ... Look, we're all reasonable people here-- *NINJA MOVES*

Zoe: *pistol whips him like whoa*
L: D'oh!
N: No!

SRSLY. HE SAYS "D'OH!" YOU GUYS. I'm so ded. Also, Luke just got knocked loopy by a girl. I can't decide between
. Cos, c'mon. No, really. C'MON! Luke can fight a wannabe dominatrix if he wanted! He has love on his side! Sigh. Dammit, writers. He coulda taken her!

Zoe: Tie him up.
N: Are you okay? D:

Poor Noah, having to watch all helpless. We know how he is about wanting to protect what he loves. :*( Also, elbow touching, omg. ♥

Aww, Noah is already holding Luke's hands when Luke is getting tied up. I missed that the first time I watched. That must be the best feeling for them in that one moment. Knowing the other is simply alive.

L: *groan*
N: You okay?
L: Yeah, I'm fine. Are you okay?
N: I'm okay.

Them checking on each other again and again makes my heart warm and fuzzy.

Luke's "ew" reaction to Z&Z, hee. Yeah, I pretty much figured those two weren't actually twins once they starting making out in the last ep. We had a hard enough time getting a gay couple to kiss on-air. No way was P&G okaying an incest storyline, even if it would've made the arc more dark and interesting.

Luke looks away/toward Noah as Z&Z babble about what's rightfully theirs. But, whoa, look at Noah's death glare at them. Monster is gonna make you pay, bitches.

H: They've got Luke now, Margo. We just got a second ransom note.
M: Don't panic yada yada sit tight yada yada...

Knowing that Damian's been in her custody the entire time, shouldn't she want that new ransom note ASAP for prints?! THERE IS ALREADY A COP OUTSIDE. SEND HIM TO THE STATION WITH IT! LET THE UBER FAST LAB WORK ON IT! Even though neither Zac nor Zoe are probably in the database, argh.

I'm wondering how closely Zoe is related to Luke. Like, second cousin or such?

And, inexplicably, I'm wondering how Noah went pee for three days. Awwwwkward. I hope Zac fed him. :\

Zoe: [The money] wasn't his to give! It belongs to my branch of the family, not yours! Damian stole my birthright and gave it to you!

So, wait. Damian's rich. Why didn't he just give Luke money from his own holdings? Hmn, maybe Zoe (or the whole branch of her family) was disowned. Or Damian simply stole from her side. Hmm. In which case he would be responsible for all this. That'd explain his :\ face when he was talking with Margo after finding out Luke had been kidnapped. Better not be. I want him and Luke to make up at least a little bit and be on awkward good terms and have emo father/son moments together, dammit!

I couldn't edit down the reunion scene. I just couldn't. :X Also, this next cap is fucking awesomesauce in the composition way. Guh. Thank you, ep director.

N: Hey, you really okay? How's your head?
L: Hard as usual. I'm more worried about you. You were the one stuck here, going through hell.
N: I'm fine; just a little stiff from being tied up.
L: Noaaah, when I thought you were gone, I was going crazy, I missed you so much.
N: Me too. I just-- The worse was knowing how worried you'd be about me. I wanted to just tell you that everything was going to be okay and I, I couldn't.
L: When I thought you had left, I...
N: When-when they made me call you, they told me what to say!
L: I know--
N: I'd never hurt you like that!

L: Oh, this is crazy. Zac and Zoe. You always had a bad feeling about them. I should listen to you more often.

The noise Noah makes in response to that aldkfjas. Know what I wanna do? Lick a trail from Noah's sweaty forehead down to his shirt collar. Speaking of which. I LOVE this blue shirt. Hmn, I guess this proves that he was nabbed on that second day before work and not the previous night while studying. He had a flannel shirt on that day.

N: You know what this means... about Zac and Zoe, all this...
L: You're talking about my father.
N: He's innocent, Luke.
L: I know, I know. And I owe him a huge apology if we ever get out of this.

OMG I LOVE THIS MOMENT SO MUCH. Luke gets to see his dad in a different light. *twirls*

N: Hey! When we get out of this. I just can't believe I got you involved in this.
L: No, no. There is nowhere that I would rather be... than here... with you. We're in this together.
N: I love you.
L: I love you, too.

♥ Also, this is the best view we get of Luke's new bruise. People have got to stop abusing his head, yo!

AND THEN THEIR HANDS MADE SWEET INNOCENT LOVE TOGETHER. Oh, god. The way Noah squeezes then caresses Luke's fingers with his thumb. I can't... I just... OH BOYS. :*( I can't wait for them to get untied and be able to hug and kiss. Speaking of which, now would be a good time to try and untie each other's hands, you guys! Though, to be fair, Noah's hands look like they're tied waaaaay low to the floor and at a weird angle. Still could try! Maybe try and stand up to get better leverage. Yup, yup, that could work!

Lily: I don't care who the kidnappers are! I just want Luke and Noah home. I will not lose my son!

Lily. ♥

Again, I resisted temptation and didn't watch the previews for today's ep. No spoiling me! ;)

*scratches head*

So, does this look about right for the timeline?

Day 1: Luke and Noah at the house. Noah goes to study.
Day 2: Noah missing all day. Phones Luke.
Day 3: "Noah" sends the text.
Day 4: Ransom note. Police start search. Luke captured.



• Seeing Fast & Furious again today! The guy at the ticket window recognizes me at this point alkfjas. "F&F girl, hey." But I literally can't stop. It's like the best crack. AND I NEEDS MY FIX YO.

• Last two days it was nearly 100°F. Tonight I could cut glass with my nipples, and I have like, three sweatshirts on. Schizo weather is schizo.

• Y'know, I never realized how hectic the tennis schedule was for the players. Monte Carlo just ended and already they're in Barcelona practicing. I know not everyone plays in every tournament, but still. Hectic! And still Rafa looks lovely and rested. And adorable. Always, always adorable with his cuuuurly hair.

AND FRECKLES! ♥ Also, being so near, I have my fingers crossed that Rafa will, at some point, cross paths with my boys at FC Barcelona. I want my obsessions fandoms to collide SO BADLY. Real Madrid who?

• ...I laughed so loud I scared my girl cat, Ella, off the couch. --Simon in one of his articles

Wait. Ella isn't living with daddy Randy? :*(

• Jake ended up having to leave the luncheon early due to a really personal emergency. -- here

Oh, Jakeface. :*(

tv: atwt, jake the hunk, randypants, movies: fast and the furious, luke/noah, tennis, rafa, the simonator

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