the luke and noah show

Apr 20, 2009 05:46

Two posts. I got wordy again. :">

ATWT, 4-9

AKA, Damian vs. the Poster o' Gay ep. But first!

Must squee about Luke's shirt from Nuke: The Early Years popping up again. :D

D: *rips down poster* Dammit, Luke.

So, he doesn't want Luke to jump to conclusions about his involvement with the foundation, but has no probs doing some jumping of his own about Luke being responsible for the posters. Tsk, tsk, Damian.

N: You are working so hard, I figured you could already use a refill.
L: Well, could also use some inspiration.
N: Oh, really, I think I can help you with that.

Aw, I love when their first scenes in an ep are them being smushy and in love. ♥

Z: Wait a second, lover boy.
N: It's Noah. The name's Noah. You should try using it sometime, Zac.

Mmm, angry!Noah.

Synchronized OMGWTF reactions to the poster = priceless.

Man, Holden's been gone a long time. Bad timing, dad, when your son's troublemaker bio-dad happens into town. :|

And again Noah takes off work to be at his boyfriend's side cos of "drama at my house". Dude. Srsly. There must be no manager around half the time Noah is there. Not that I'm complaining. I'm all for Luke and Noah being attached at the hip. *grabby hands*

L: I did it.

That smug look aldfkjas. It's so childish of him, but I can't help but heart it.

Cos then we get Noah and the best.reaction.shot.evah. "Buzzwhaaa--?!"

D: I know we've had our differences, but I didn't think you could be cruel.
L: You mean like you?
N: *ohshitface*
D: Are you trying to prove how much you hate me, is that it?
L: Is it working? :D

There is just something about Noah's ohcrap face mixed with Luke's little bitch smirk that makes them awesome, y'know?

D: ...Luciano--
N: No, don't! Don't call me that!

The look on his face after he says the line. :(

D: respect to your father.
L: There's two problems with that. A, I don't respect you. And B, I don't consider you my father.


N: We'll do that. We'll do that, right, Luke?
L: I think that's fair enough. They obviously served their purpose.
N: *eyeroll*

Luke's expression kills me. And I love how the writers are keeping with Noah wanting to please father figures. I wonder how these scenes woulda played out had Holden been around.

N: Why did you lie to Damian? Why did you tell him you did this?
L: Well, I saw a chance to let the guy know how I really felt about him, and I jumped at it. Besides, these posters are something I woulda done, if I'd thought of it.

Huh. Really? I... just can't see Luke doing that. Not that I think he's a saint, but he seems more likely to bitch about Damian while having coffee with Noah, than to sit down at his laptop and wreck Photoshop revenge to post around town.

L: Yeah, but she was in love with him.
N: Yeeeah, so?
L: So? Look, if we ever broke up, even if it was twenty years from now, even if you had dumped me, even if you had betrayed me, you'd still get to me, Noah.
N: Yeah. :(
Ree: *wibbles*

Also, that better not be foreshadowing of ANY kind. :| :| :|

L: Well, look, I know you don't like the way I treat Damian.
N: I just don't like what it does to you. If you don't care about the guy, don't think about him all the time and how much you hate him, just don't think about him at all!
L: I would only tell this to you...
N: What? What is it?
L: Every day, I have to remind myself what kind of person Damian really is, of all the terrible things that he's done to me.
N: So he doesn't... trick you again?
L: I thought that I was so lucky. That he loved me, that he accepted me. And now I just have to keep my guard up because if I let it down and let him back in--
N: Hey, hey, hey, we won't let that happen. Okay?

And yet Noah keeps pushing for just that. I do not understand you, writers. :\

N: *face*
L: What?
N: I don't trust [Z&Z], Luke.
L: I thought you liked them.

Dude, since WHEN? O.o

N: there's just something about them that creeps me out.
L: What?
N: On the surface, they're all fun and games, but I get this feeling that underneath, there's something really ugly.
L: Oh, I just think they like to push the envelope a little bit. I don't think they're anything to worry about.
N: Yeah, well, I DO. I think we should stop hanging out with them.

You'd think after all the insanity they've been through, that Luke would trust Noah's instincts a little more, heh.

L: But Zac and Zoe are great for the foundation. They never get tired, they've got great ideas.

Really? Cos I haven't heard about anything they've done for it.

N: Kayla, thank you so much for covering for me.
K: No sweat, we weren't even busy.

Shout-out to the fans wondering how Noah keeps his job, heh.

N: I just don't like them, Luke. Don't you think that there's something off-beat about them? Don't you get a weird vibe?
L: No. Yes. I mean, they're weird. They're definitely off-beat.
N: So, you think Zac kissing me was just off-beat.
L: Noah, I am following your lead on this one. You were the one that told me that is was no big deal.
N: Well, I'm having second thoughts. 'k, everything he and his sister do, it's just a big goof and I'm beginning to wonder. And if you're not willing to tell them to start taking their jobs more seriously, then the next time I see them, I will.

Dominant, protective-of-his-man!Noah, guh.

L: You can't get rid of Zac and Zoe. Unofficially, they work for me.
N: They can still work for you. I just don't want to see them or talk to them.
L: Noah, are you gonna act like this all day?
N: *long beat*
L: Okay, then I should probably go.
N: Well, if that's what you want.
L: No, what I want is for you to stop acting like they shot your dog. It was a stupid practical joke.

I just like how Noah gets petulant and all 'go if you want, pbbt' like a 12-year old when he's made his mind up. ;)

Zac: Hey, lovebirds, how's it hanging?
L: Fine. :|
N: *killkillkillkill*

I've been avoiding capping the twins, but their faces here telling the boys they'd had a close encounter with Damian, oh, god ahahahaha aldkfjasldfjas.

Not even Luke can hold his man back when he's in protective mode. *rrrowr*

The hiding aldkjfas.

N: I don't lighten up! Not about my feelings, not about my boyfriend, not about anything that matters to me, and you, your practical jokes, they don't help!

YEAH, YOU TELL 'EM!! *jumps around with fist raised*

Zac: Sorry, loverboy.
Zoe: Yeah, for real. We didn't mean to hurt anybody, we were just hacking around.

HACKING around. Didja catch that, didja, didja? Heh. Also, omg, Noah needs to yell at people more often. Yeeees.

The "kiss and make-up" thing annoyed me for some reason. I can't even put my finger on it. I dunno. It's not like Nuke wouldn't have gotten there on their own as soon as the twins left; it wasn't even really a fight.

But at least we got kissing...

...and cuddling...

...and more cuddling...

...and even more cuddling. ♥

ATWT, 4-13

Wow, this is the 300th clip!

L: I found us a movie we'll both like.
N: Oh, not Mama Mia again. *chews popcorn*
L: Ha ha. It's the new Batman.
N: But you saw it!
L: Yeah, but you didn't, and you said you wanted to.

OMG, what is Luke going to see movies without Noah? When did Batman come out again? Was it during the time they were apart? Cos I can see Luke going just cos it reminded him of Noah and he needed that, aw.

N: You are the best.

ALDKJAL. Luke's smug face and the way he stands there all waiting for his reward for being the best boyfriend evah. ;D

L: You keep that up and we might not be watching a movie tonight.
N: Mmm. Sounds good to me.
L&N: *kiss*
Ree: :D :D :D :D
Doorbell: *rings*
Ree: SUNOVABITCH! If that's Ameera, I swear...

Let's enjoy the kiss some more instead...

Have I mentioned lately how much I adore it when they use the neck-hold to draw the other into a kiss? It's just so intimate and dominate and needy, all at the same time.

Neck AND arm hold, omg.


N: Mmph. Don't get it. Please don't get it.
L: No, my mom's out. She mighta lost her keys.

Dammit, Luke, Noah is trying to get you both laid here! Besides, if it were Lily and you didn't answer, she'd hollar out at ya through the door. Or use her cell phone and tell ya, hey, I'm at the dooooor. *grumbling*

N: Looks like we will be watching a movie afterall. :|
Ree: I sympathize with ya, big guy. :|

And then Z&Z show up and Noah and I spend the entire time glaring at them.

Random: Someone as tall as Noah to look him in the eye adlfkjas. It's like Noah & Zac = Brian and Em.

Luke's *back off my boyfriend, bitch* face. :D

N: But we're--
L: Not that really into parties.

Finishing each other's sentences ladkfja.

N: Okay, can we get rid of them, like, now.
L: I think that's kinda hard.

No, your boyfriend was hard just a bit ago and it wasn't because of Batman. :| I'm still not sure why Luke allows the twins so much access. He does admit they're entertaining. Maybe he likes the fun/anything can happen vibe they bring? That would make sense, I suppose. *scratches head* It's just the way he disregards how unhappy his partner is around them that doesn't sit well with me. Besides, I wouldn't particularly want to hang out with the guy who kissed my boyfriend behind my back.

N: Hey, you okay?
L: Yeah, I'm fine. What happened?

I know it's way dark, but I swear they're there. ;) Also, I love that there's a scream like Zoe was murdered in their kitchen -- and they stand calmly at the window aldsfjaslk.

What in the world is Zac looking for in Luke's room? Like, a password or something?

Zoe: You don't understand. He's afraid of the dark.
N: Okay, I'm gonna go try and find Zac. You guys try and get the lights back on.
Z: Pleeease find him.

Zoe isn't exactly a master criminal, is she? When your partner in crime is off skulking in the dark on a secret mission, you might not want to sic the search dogs on him that fast. :|

Zac's body didn't do much for me, but that mighta been the corny 'seduction' face he was sporting, heh. Though, now, Noah looked a mix of annoyed, disgusted... and turned on.

L: I think you and your brother are a lot more complicated that you'd like people to believe.
Zoe: Yeah, that's us: International Twins of Mystery. *blows smoke off imaginary gun*

Yeah, okay, that did crack me up. ;D

Zac (to Luke): Just so you know, your boyfriend is totally incorruptable.
Zoe (to Noah): Yours too.
Zac: *kisses Luke's cheek*
Zoe: *kisses Noah's cheek*

Luke wipes his face after Zac's kiss, but not Zoe's aldfkja. And srsly, why isn't Luke a wee bit more curious/freaked about Zac's hint that he tried corrupting Noah while the lights were off?

L: Ahhhhh... hahaha.

N: Don't you think it's weird how Zac and Zoe were hitting on us? It's like they decided beforehand who was going to be into who.


N: It's not funny.
L: Noah, do you remember what you told me when they first started volunteering for the foundation? You said that they were harmless.

Hey, Luke, remember what you said when you were sure the car accident didn't have anything to do with the foundation? HI, MR. CHANGES HIS MIND ALL THE TIME. :|

N: Yeah, that's what I thought before, but tonight went way passed weird.
L: Noah, I really think you're taking this way too seriously.

What happened to all of Luke's suspicion about EVERYone from the Reg days, not to mention the hit and run?

N: I think you sound like her.
L: Well, maybe she has a point, N.
N: Mmmm.

Noah's face, ahahaha!

L: ....this other ring supposably belongs to?

Did... did Van just say supposably? :D :D :D

N: Why are you being so close-minded?
L: Because I need proof.

Mmm, touching.

N: Look, I do have to go. I gotta study.

But.. but.. Batman is waiting. And there was that little matter of making out on the couch. :(

See, Luke doesn't look too happy about it either.

N: Ciao, Luciano. *finger wave*
L: :|
Lily: :|

Dude. Was it just me or did the vibe get really weird after Noah did that? Both Luke and Lily actually looked pissed at the Luciano crack. And this after Noah kissed Lily's cheek. But not Luke's. I'm so confused.

N: I just wanted you to know that I believe you.
D: Well, thank you.

Hang on. Did Noah just stalk Damian back to his hotel? Heh. Also, that breathless way Damian says "thank you" kinda kills me. ♥

It's so weird to see Noah actually look UP at someone! Also, mmm, pretty.

N: I'm gonna go. Um, goodnight.

Hee, so cute and awkward.

D: Look, I'm an old fashioned man, as you know, and, um... but I meant it. When I said I was happy that Luke has you in his life. The more I see of you, the more grateful I am the two of you found each other.
N: Well, we're v. happy together.
D: And thank you for believing me.
N: Hey, now we just have to prove it to Luke.

Oh, man. That hand on shoulder, Noah looking down. So pushing those daddy buttons. ;)

Well, damn. I'm not entirely sure how to read Damian's face after Noah leaves. :\ It doesn't look real... uh, reassuring that he's not playing 'em, y'know? I reallyreally want Damian to be telling the truth. I want Noah not to have his faith in the good in people shattered again. :(

Lily: You okay?
L: Yeah, Noah and I were all set to have this really amazing night and now here we are again on opposite sides.
Li: You don't have to be.
L: Yeah, we do. He keeps believing this garbage that Damian's spouting and I don't.
Li: People disagree, sweetheart. It doesn't have to affect everything else between you and Noah.
L: Or you and me.
Li: We are gonna find out the truth. And in the meantime, we're all on the same side.
L: No, mom, we're not.

Tell me he's singling out Damian and not Noah as not being on his side. Cos I wanna cry if he thinks Noah wouldn't choose him if it came down to it. That said, I really do think Noah should've dropped this awhile ago. He's told Luke several times he would.

L: I thought that I was so lucky. That he loved me, that he accepted me. And now I just have to keep my guard up because if I let it down and let him back in--
N: Hey, hey, hey, we won't let that happen. Okay?


N: He ask me to talk to you about giving him one more chance.
L: He doesn't stop, does he? Well, what did you say?
N: What do you think I said? I told him no way.

And yet he keeps pushing. I get why he's so determined and even love that about him, but I'd be annoyed too if I were Luke.

N: You know the, uh, username that I couldn't remember? Damian said it might mean Pisces in Italian.

I really hate the writers for making Noah this dense. :| No way would he have spilled his guts to his prime suspects like that. Grrr.

Ah, dammit. I actually like the Monster nickname now. Yeah, I dunno either. >.<

Zac: So get over yourself. You don't even know what you don't know.

I totally just has a Galeface flash adfkjas.

ATWT, 4-15

OMG. This ep is what soaps are all about. Spectacular scene chewage! Oh, boys. :D



I foresee much h/c in my future once he gets rescued. *gleeful handrubbing*

Okay, okay, backtracking:

Lily: Do you REALLY think [Damian] would run you down with his car? Or hire somebody to do it?

Aww, Luke doesn't wanna believe Damian actually had him run down. The way he looks down, doesn't answer her, clenches his jaw. Also, I loved how Lily wasn't having it and grabbed Luke when he tried to rush passed her. Go, girl!

L: He doesn't love me! He can't love someone like me. I don't deserve it.

Oh my god. I heart this part. His voice breaks and his mouth does that downturny unhappy face. And now I have tears in my eyes. *sob*

Lily: You stop it, right now! I love you, your father loves you, Noah loves you!
L: You know, I don't wanna talk about Noah right now, mom!
Lily: You gotta try and work it out with Noah.
L: Y'know, I would try. Maybe.

Maybe? MAYBE?! WTF.

L: If I could get a hold of him. I haven't heard from him since he left here the other night.
Lily: What?
L: He won't return any of my calls, and... I don't get it. I mean, I didn't think our fight was that big.
Lily: He won't stay mad at you for v. long. How could he?
L: Easily.

OMG, drama queen like Justin Taylor. Also, breaking my heart here.

Zoe: What happened with Zac doesn't mean anything.
L: Look, Zoe, I know that! I told Noah that! I told him that Zac was just messing with him.

Uh, what? When? Is this some off-screen phone call that happened while Noah was studying? Cos the most Luke said to him about it that night was that Noah was taking things too seriously.

N: No, not Noah. When he gets upset, he likes to talk about it.

Huh? *blinkblink*

Srsly, as many life-threatening situations as these two get into, they need a code word for "ZOMG HOSTAGE SITUATION!". Noah should've thrown in a random comment how he was going to meet up with Ameera or Reg while he was in Lisbon. That woulda guaranteed Luke knew something was wrong. I'm still kinda dumbstruck that Luke would think that Noah would just take off for another country without telling him. Insecure Luke is insecure, poor boy. Damian being there is messing hard with his head. I REALLY wish Holden had been around and able to offer the positive dad reinforcement. OTOH, Luke has no real reason to disbelieve what Noah's told him. But still. They're supposta to be able to read each other's minds, dammit. ;)

N: He's your father. I shouldn't be involved.
L: Noah, you're my family, and I'm yours.
Ree: *sob* I love them so much, you guys.

And with Noah gone seemingly because of Damian, Luke has this delicious meltdown and it was awwwesome in that speshul cheezy way, omg.

Lily: Just remember, wherever he is, he loves you v. v. much.
Ree: And doing his best to protect you, woobie. :*(

I'm hoping Damian gets to play hero in some way. *fingers crossed*

luke/noah, picspam: atwt, tv: atwt

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