so say we all

Mar 21, 2009 09:05



The special effects. OHMYGOD. They're always so good, but, whoa, this ep! Every single shot of the assault raid and the ships and the centurions and planets was epic. EPIC. They better win some Emmys!

Flashbacks! I'm a sucker for flashbacks. ♥

Gaius staying to fight. I was proud of you, too!

Racetrack saving the day with her dead little hand on the fire button!

Hera's "dots" being the coordinates.

The "good" centurions having a big ole red slash across their fronts so they wouldn't get killed by friendly fire in the raid. Dunno why, but that tickled me. ;)

Sam being the best hybrid brain evah. And the girl hybrid brain being all *ORGASMS* when he hooks up his neural net with hers, hee.

Tory getting her neck snapped. YES YES YES FINALLY.

Caprica and Gaius being all "OMG YOU CAN SEE/HEAR THEM TOO?" when their Counterparts popped in, ahahahaha!

Boomer doing a Good Thing and returning Hera, then getting sentenced to death right there in the corridor by her own model and being "Tell the Old Man I owed him one." So, soooo good.

The centurions getting their freedom. I want a sequel now where they come back thousands of years later.

HELO NOT DYING. I was freaking out, y'all. The way the opera house flashback was going, I thought Caprica and Gaius were gonna end up raising Hera as their own. And that whole opera house scene and how it all came together? AWESOME.

Gaius telling Caprica he loved her, aww. Where there's love, there's half-human/half-Cylon babies!

Galen going to the highlands to be emo by himself and basically starting the Gaelic people.

Kara and Lee not living happily ever after. It's so romantically tragical to me that they were just never meant to be, no matter how much they were drawn to each other. Then when she just vanishes and Lee is left alone.

Gaius ending up a farmer after spending a lifetime trying to avoid just that, heh heh.

I do love that Kara's mission was complete and she felt complete finally, meeting up with Sam after death. MFEO. ♥

Everyone on the planet now having descended from Cylons, omg.

The v. v. v. end with the robot montage set to "All Along the Watchtower."


God/It and angels. I guess I wanted more of a more-advanced-alien-race/scientific/futuristic/roboty explanation. Sigh.

The idea that giving up technology would give them a "fresh start" and somehow make humans not want to annihilate people forever and ever. I'm all for simplier times, but how exactly did Lee think they would just pass down their finer points? Or even that they should? Soon as they started talking about intergrating with the nomad people, my Star Trek brain started screaming, "BUT THE PRIME DIRECTIVE! STARFLEET WOULD NOT APPROVE! D: D: D:" I mean, hey, maybe those nomads didn't want to be taught your crazy ways, Lee.

The prophecy about Kara being the harbinger of death. Um. She ended up doing the exact opposite. :| Or maybe I'm being too literal and they mean more her bringing death to the pure, human-only line of civilization or the old way of living or just leading them to the end of the journey? Or... something. My head hurts.

Adama puking on himself. I so didn't need to see that. They love making him throw up realistically quite a lot on this show. :P

Laura dying didn't bother me much. I actually thought they'd save her somehow at the end. And I'm sure I've forgotten something obvious, but why didn't she just use Hera's blood again to save herself?

Adama completely abandoning his son and people FOREVER to live on a hill. I do understand his grief, but still, cold, man. I'm going to just picture Lee showing up his porch one day while exploring and they get drunk together. Soon as someone invents alcohol again. (I'm betting 239402398 fics about Dora Lee the Explorer hurt on some mountain, clinging to life, and Kyra appears to him to give him the strength to survive start popping up.)

Speaking of Lee. Dude. Guy is all "YAY NEW PLANET". Then everyone he cares about scatters/dies/vanishes and he's literally left alone in a giant field. Bummer, man. :\

That pigeon. Um, what? I get it's supposta be symbolic for Kyra. I'm just confuzzled as to what the point was. She's keeping a pigeony eye on him or... yeah, that's all I got.

Did they have seeds with them in their backpacks? I'm thinking they'd have to. Otherwise I'm not sure how everyone thinks they're gonna start these gardens they keep talking about.

In conclusion: Loved it, just as long as I don't think too hard about everything. And I hope there's a DVD release of the finale with lotsa added scenes.

I already miss you, BSG. :*(

Lost, 509

Juliet's face when Sawyer told her Jack & His Merry Band of Party Crashers were back :((((((((((

And, okay, srsly. HOW MUCH DO I LOVE SAWYER!!!!! His intensity of just, y'know, having his life together under incredible circumstances and being in charge and reading with his sexy glasses and thinking and calling Jack on his reacting even as I understand Jack and how he DID get them off the island and just, omg. SAWYER. ♥ I do wish he had reassured Juliet tho that things weren't going to change between them. :\

I don't even ship them anymore, but the look on Jack's face when he first sees Sawyer makes me want them to get naked together immediately.

Hurley to Jin, "Dude, your English is awesome!" AHAHAHA. I heart you, Hurley, especially when you hugged your BFF Sawyer so hard, you picked him up off the ground.

Jin and Sun are kick-ass, yo. I cackled when Sun thwacked Ben over the head. "I lied."

Sun and Frank landed in the present aldfjas. And, OMG, Jack's dad is on the island, too. So, does this mean that had Frank piloted the original flight, he could've landed safely and avoided the whole *ripped in half* plane? Hmm.

Tiny little Ben! I've missed your brand of homicidal crazy. I wonder if Sayid is gonna Yoda his way into your heart. Iiiinteresting how this time Sayid's the Ben/Henry Gale figure getting captured and shoved into a closet to be dealt with while pretending he's not who he says he is -- and then meets Ben, heh.

Um, I'm sure I'm forgetting things, but BSG hath fried my brain. I tell ya, between watching these two shows in the same night, I'm all emotionally exhausted now, teevee.

Tennis: Indian Wells

I'm ready to bash FSN's Indian Wells coverage over the head with a bat. They suck at showing Rafa's matches. They've aired ONE since last week, grrr. I totally missed the Nalbandian one, which I read was scary going there for awhile in the 2nd set (3-6, 7-6 (5), 6-0) before Rafa swept that last one. At least I had two Roger games, yay! He looked a little off on the first match-up, then much better against Verdasco. Atta boy, Rogelio. AND THEN DURING THE INTERVIEWS THE WAY HE LIT UP WHEN BABY!FED WAS MENTIONED OMG SO ADORABLE.

Aaaaand today's semi-finals looks like this:

Rafa v. Roddick
Roger v. Murray

Fedal final, plz.

Now here's hoping FSN airs a match or two. :|

Tell me someone went to see Randy at Joe's Pub last night!

randy is a big theatre whore, randypants, tv: bsg, tv: lost, tennis, rafa, roger, teevee

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