the luke and noah show plus rogelio and wiley!gale

Mar 13, 2009 05:24

ATWT, 3-12

THIS EP FTW. THERE WAS ACTUAL TALKING AND TOUCHING, Y'ALL. Luke was being hella bitchy, Noah was being the best boyfriend evah (and looking hot as fuck with that blue shirt and tie half undone), and I love them both so much. Oh, yeah, and Brian showed up and no one even got punched! BUT THIS IS THE IMPORTANT PART:

N: I have my old Luke back!
L: **
N: *must.entwine.our.fingers.*


• Nuke icon post later today, yay!

• No Lost this week sucks mightily. :(

Shut up! Falling for Grace is finally coming to TV/DVD. FINALLY. At some point. Hopefully.

"So FALLING FOR GRACE won't be opening in New York or L. A. theatrically in April any more. There has been a switch in our distribution agenda. Our sales agent has told us that television especially in Europe has been very interested in buying "Grace" but some countries would prefer, actually require, that we don't open theatrically. In order to sell to those countries, we decided to sell to U. S. television as well. This way perhaps we'll reach a far larger number of viewership. DVDs will soon follow." --Fay, here

I don't even care that there's no dates mentioned. I'm jazzed!

• But first it's opening at the Reel Film Festival (yes, I did read that as the Ree Film Festival at first aldfkjas) for Women March 27th, 8:00 pm, at Laemmle's Music Hall 3 in Beverly Hills. Anyone going? I can't, boo. But that's Gale territory, y'all. Keep an eye out and a camera at the ready! He's wiley these days. You never know where he could pop up. He's close. WE CAN HEAR YOU BREATHING, GALEFACE.

My Roger's procreated! I'm ridiculously excited about this, you guys. I have such a soft spot for Mirka and now there's gonna be a tiny little Federer running around the court, aww. It also explains why my Fedal filter was full of baby!fics yesterday. I was starting to think there was a fic challenge I'd missed, heh.

• Indian Wells started, omg. There could be a Fedal final, in both singles and doubles. And they're only hours away from me for this tournament. Am dying here. Fingers and toes are so crossed.

Someone mixed their red boxers in with their whites on laundry day.

luke/noah, rafa, tennis, gale howard, tv: atwt, movies: falling for grace, roger

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