this is me catching up on my boys

Mar 06, 2009 15:42

New tAB pics from the oft-renamed movie. Poor movie. All untitled and confused about who it is and stuff. How is it to supposed to meet other movies on the playground without a name?

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tab, gale howard, theatre: the singing forest, movies: scott walker, randypants, scott the kick-ass woobie, it's like where's waldo but with gale

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stacey_in_ma March 7 2009, 00:08:10 UTC
I was waiting for your post on all the Randy news, lol. :p

There was so much news in the newletter this time! The 3 festivals thinking... has been accepted at, the new L.A. branch of (tAB). The play! The music project. Busy, busy.

I want to know about the music project, lol. When they updated their site recently and requested specific items on the support page, one of the things was musical instruments. I contacted them because I thought I might have access to a used clarinet and I wanted to know if there were specific instruments and J's response was no, it was for a future project and they were taking whatever instruments people had, lol.

I suppose with the creation of the L.A. branch of (tAB) and the film editing being done in L.A. that Randy might be spending some more time in L.A. when he's not working on plays and such. That will make Scott happy, lol. I got an email from him a couple of weeks ago and he was saying that he "hates how far he lives from the rest of us". :p

I love the pictures of Randy. :D

I can't wait for The Singing Forest!


reeface March 12 2009, 12:38:47 UTC
I do love when he's an active boy. So much more to talk about! Though I'd love for something to get finished so we can actually SEE it. *greedy*

J's response


Oh, man, how awesome would it be if Randy was in Gale's bed LA more soon? PLZ LET THIS HAPPEN.


stacey_in_ma March 12 2009, 22:11:37 UTC
Yes, I love when he's busy too. :-) Marci is apparently supervising the editing of the untitled film and they're plugging away at it. When I talked to Randy in December he said they were hoping to have a rough cut by June but I'm not sure if that's still the case. I'm not sure how much more money they need to be able to finish post.

OTOH, at least thinking... is showing at some festivals. Hopefully it will get screened at some West Coast ones so those of you over there will have a chance to see it. It's a charming film. :-)

Sorry. J is J. Mathieson (whose gender I do not know, lol) who is the person that will more than likely answer any emails you send to (tAB) these days. Marci and Randy have an actual (tAB) assistant now. :p It doesn't mean they don't still do a lot of the administrative stuff themselves (I think Randy takes care of a lot of the mail, lol) but J at least takes care of the emails.

With the play I doubt Randy will be doing any traveling to L.A. anytime soon but maybe once the play is done, before he has to go up to BTF he'll be spending some time in Gale's bed L.A. I wouldn't be surprised, especially if they're close to finishing the rough cut at that point. ;-)


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