I am not reading QaF spoilers.

Dec 09, 2004 22:30

The O.C. ones are fair game, though. Mua ha ha!

Stop looking at me like that. The imbalance in my spoiler-ho soul had to be appeased somehow. :|

MyJustin is my hero with:

future storyline spoiler

What made me snigger:

Traditionally gay storylines on teen shows have dealt with male sexuality-what made you want to do a woman’s story? Why not have Seth explore?
There’s enough people claiming there’s a homosexual subtext between Seth and Ryan, so why make it the text? [Laughs]

What actually made sense to me:

Why was now the right time to do a gay-themed story?
Marissa is at a point in her life where she’s trying to find herself and her true identity. There’s another character who she really connects with. It’s a girl, which is not something Marissa may have anticipated. But she’s willing and game to explore and experiment with that.

What made me grrr:

Obviously you can’t give everything away, but people will wonder if this relationship can sustain. Especially when there is a large fan base that wants to see Ryan and Marissa back together.
Hopefully we’ll be on a long, long time and everyone will get what they want.

Final tally:

Make me like Marissa, O.C. writers. Add some depth to her character! Go on! I dare ya!

But this being cheated out of seeing Seth kissing boys? Why do you hate me, O.C. writers, why?

tv: the oc, teevee

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