the luke and noah show

Nov 12, 2008 12:24

Somewhere out there in a forum near you, there are some major spoilers floating about. I WANT TO READ THEM SO BAD. Sometimes being a spoiler virgin really blows. But, no! I will remain strong. It always pays off. Allll-ways.

"You're still a winner to me."
The extra between them all *mmmboykissesandlove* makes me grin. She pretty much represents all of Nuke fandom. <3 Meanwhile, Casey is looking at her ass aldjfa.


• Luke, "[the whole Kevin/vid thing] ...makes me feel like a non-person." Okay, ow, my heart. :( This whole election is so Luke's Pink Posse. There's even bashing talk.

• Luke quoting Colonel Crazy, omgwtf. Noah's face when he does, guh, so good.

• Disappointed!Noah might be the best thing evah. I'm loving how he's not backing down.

• Noah, "Well, I am proud of us! But I won't be if you cheat." That.was.awesome.

• Know how Kevin and Co. started drinking way early in celebration? I thought they were all gonna get so drunk, they'd forget to vote and Luke would win that way, heh. IT WOULDA BEEN AWESOME.

• Noah emoing from outside while Luke celebrated inside. :((( I swear, every time something good happens for Luke (like getting that Cyndi Lauper interview), the boys are apart and cannot squee togther. I want squee! Of course, angst is good too. Heh.



Oh, man. If you could only see me now. Rubbing my hands together in glee, I am! The boys are just so pretty when they emo and shoot longing looks and have fights about morals. I just want to squish them so hard.

• I reallyreally thought Casey was gonna save Luke from himself and not cast the fake!ballots. Casey, you twit. I mean, yeah, I'd still totally do you. But you're so sleeping on the couch afterward for this.

• Luke desperately trying to hang on to the presidency and Noah at the same time while fighting his conscience. Oh, Luke.

• Oh, god. Noah at the table, distraught. That killed me. For a dark moment, I thought they were gonna break up right there. And then Luke sits down and says he still loves him and Noah is all D: about the phone call and his face, omg. HIS WOOBIE FACE. :(( And saying Luke may be the one thing he can't lie about. OMG HEART BREAKING BRB.

• So, breaking up possibilities. I still think it will happen. They'll be emo during Thanksgiving and there will be a sad flashback complete with Top 40 Hit in the background to how happy they were last TurkeyDay. And then they'll get back together in time for Christmas after having Something Traumatic happen, as always done in soaps. And then have hot mistletoe sex. I'm not giving up on them having hot sex one day. I have faith it in like Noah has faith in Luke. I WILL NOT GO DOWN WITHOUT A FIGHT.

• Random wardrobe thought. The double layer shirts to signify winter in the town makes me happy.

• Y'know, Jake's acting has so been improving. Especially lately when he gets something meaty to sink his into like their fights. <3

• Mmm, am still liking Van's hair. And Noah's. The hair people have finally started paying more attention to his too. *pets*

• Next ep in a few hours: I'm gonna guess that Luke will see Noah's woobie face coming out of the Dean's office and know he lied for him and, unable to live with that, will confess all. IT'LL TOTALLY HAPPEN. Of course, we saw above how well my predicting goes. Oh, soaps. You totally screw with my usually pretty good predicting percentages.

Dang, I know I'm forgetting stuff. I always forget stuff.

Lookit Van in his velvet coat! THAT'S RIGHT I SAID VELVET COAT, PPL. And yet he still looks smokin' hot. That is talent kthx. I have my fingers crossed that photos of Jake from the same event (24th Annual Artios Awards... I don't even know what that is) will pop up. Cos you know they color coordinated like boyfriends are supposta.

VAN = KEVIN BACON. Or Bacon flavored, anyway, since he will be in Dance Dance Revolution, a production "...riffing on fizzy dance musicals like Flashdance and death sport movies such as Rollerball, Dance Dance Revolution is set in an Orwellian society where dance is illegal." BRB DYING.

And if it weren't for my cabbers ♥, I would've missed that gem. AND THAT IS UNTHINKABLE. It's prolly over at the forums, but I think we're already established I'm paranoid of spoilers and those suckers pop up when you least expect it. Dude. Know what LJ needs? A Van/Nuke newsletter for paranoid users like me. I heart the Nuke comms we do have, but they are sadly lacking in up-to-date news.

• Speaking of newsletters. Remember _in_babylon? Wha' happened? It usta be my lifeline to all things QaF. :\ *pokes*

• Tell me I'm not the only one immensely amused by how the IMDb's *this forum is for Gale, not OT posts* post goes OT. And for the record, I really do hate the OT posts.

• The new userinfo is so... wide and long. Kinney and I approve.

lj, van the man, luke/noah, tv: atwt, tv: qaf, jake the hunk, imdb is like crack

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