when stressing, marathon teevee eps all night!

Oct 16, 2008 04:10

• Checked in with a supergood bud to Gale, and got the skinny: “He's going to be OK,” the amigo insisted about Harold, who spilled on his motorcycle in Hell-Ay. “They're keeping him in the ICU because of the head injury, but he's expected to make a full recovery,” assured the Harold bud. --here

The supergood amigo bud is totally Scott in my head.

• I’ve spoken with Gale’s publicist this morning and here is her update: she told me that Gale has been moved out of critical care this morning, was coherent last night but has no memory of what happened and was asking why he was in the hospital at all. The doctors continue to observe the swelling of the brain but every hour brings him that much closer to being out of the woods. All positive news. He will remain in the hospital for an undetermined amount of time and the 48 hours of critical observation will be over by tomorrow morning. DH Exec Producer --here

Asking why he was in the hospital. Woobie! :(

• According to his bio, he once worked as a Ducati motorcycle mechanic. --here

Heh. I wondered when someone was going to mention that.

Some of the Google Alerts are coming in from Paris, Australia, Italy, London, etc. I don't know why it surprises me that this is getting international coverage (DH is a huge show), yet it does. *blink* I'm so used to our fandom being relatively unknown.

House. Just so happens House and Wilson are still so OTP and have the power to make me squee into my couch pillows. 'Nough said. Y'know, I think I'm finally getting used to House's shorter hair. *cocks head* I think.

Ugly Betty


(And I really love Alexis. Just, no.)

Daniel is still DJ's dad, Daniel is still DJ's dad, Daniel is still DJ's dad, Daniel is still DJ's dad. *rocking back and forth, hands over my ears*

It's just, these two have become my most favoritest thing about this show. :( They're so damned cute together and sweetly awkward and I LOVE. I also may have a crush on Julian, the 12yo playing DJ. And I say that in the completely not-creepy way aldkjf. Just, just... his wee little face and accent and pretty hair and speaking French and wanting his dad to love him... I have no resistance against that!

And when they fought and then Daniel fell asleep outside his bedroom door with DJ's dinner in his lap for him in case he got hungry. And THEN Daniel was telling him things won't always be peachy, but that he'll always love him, omg. *heart bursts* AND AND! That hug at the end during the ending montage, when you see from afar Daniel being heartbroken about Alexis and DJ walks into the shot and immediately was all *squishes his dad tight*.

No resistance, I'm telling ya. :(((((

I don't want anyone to tell Daniel DJ's (supposedly) not his son. THEY JUST CAN'T.

In other news, I miss Cliff, aka Marc's main squeeze. COME BACK, CLIFF!

Also made of win? Amanda and Marc and everything they do, amen. They're like Jack and Karen without the dose of annoying.

I love how this show has become about everyone but Betty for me. :P

My L.A. Galaxy boys played some of zee soccer this past Sunday, therefore I squee.

L.A. Galaxy vs. Colorado Rapids


3-2, so was a close match, and, oh man, so exciting! Especially after the last two losses. McDonald's goal toward the middle of the game there was 80 FEET OF INCREDIBLE. Without that, that game was so tied. And Donovan going out at the 60 min mark even though he'd just flown in that morning from the World Cup game the day before? ONE MORE REASON WHY I ADORE THAT MAN. They showed him warming up fifteen minutes before he was gonna go in and *rowwr*. And I swear, soon as he stepped onto the field, the match got ELECTRIC. He was *leadershipping* all over that field, yo. (Which they so needed with Becks gone.)

GAHHH! IT WAS SUCH SO GREAT! I'm so fucking proud of them. They've been playing so much better each and every game. Arena is making such a big difference. And the new goalie Saunders is all sorts of amazing. He gets out there with all this energy and just TAKES COMMAND and flies after every ball and wow. Just wow. Plus, y'know, he's a hottie. Heh.

Anyways, this means they're still alive for maybehopefully getting into the playoffs! *GLEE*

This weekend they're up against Houston. The top team. Um.

I mean, they're gonna win, you watch! :P

I can't believe Becks will be suspended for that match. Damned yellow cards. :| He SHOULD'VE been able to count this last game he was away at WC qualifiers, but for some dumbass reason, the MLS isn't allowing it. :| And then there's only one more match left before playoffs. :| :|

Randomness: "Sedaris Picks Up a Pen: Amy Sedaris has a deal with 20th Century Fox TV to create, write and star in a comedy series project. Sedaris will pen the script with her writing partner Paul Dinello, who also is attached to direct. The project will be co-produced by David Letterman's Worldwide Pants."


Okay, my bed is finally calling to me for a few hours sleep.

soccer, gale howard, soccer: galaxy, tv: ugly betty, gale and his mad motorcycle skillz, beckham, teevee

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