hotdogs and squirrels and doodles, oh my!

Jul 28, 2008 16:12

I am a camping survivor! Caaaaamping. *happy sigh* I mean, sure, I got lost on the trails, fell was pushed in the river more than once, ran like a deranged, squealing person from every.single.bee. that dared come within 500 feet of me and, well, going into the woods to pee with just your bravery and a roll of Charmin is a form of modern torture, but, omg, all worth it for the campfire hotdogs. They were so good, I cried when we ran out. :(( And lemme tell ya, they do not taste the same if you hold them over your stove burner once you get home due to your hotdog-lacking desperation.

ALSO OMG THERE WERE SQUIRRELS EVERYWHERE MUCH TO MY DELIGHT. I named them all Randy. Randy the Great of Head (seriously, his head was GINORMOUS), Randy the One Who Likes Nuts In His Mouth (okay, I totally was throwing him my trail mix nuts so I could name him this alkdjfa), Randy the Horny Doing Dirty Things To That Tree (musta been a boy tree), Randy the Aggressive (he clearly discovered I was a fangirl), Randy Making Rude Noises At Me From The Tree (this mighta been the same squirrel aldskja), Randy the Shy Who Runs Like A Banshee, Randy the One With A Crooked Tale That Looks Like It's Flipping Me Off (Bird, for short), etc. One got named Gale. He would lay on this giant rock in the sun and not move foreverrrrrr. I honestly thought he was dead for awhile, but then he'd twitch. I concluded he was just stoned.

I have much to catch up on (comments and Luke/Noah and Randy post to come, omg), but I leave you with a doooodle. I finally started redoing ones I lost (*single tear*) after Kinney the Computer's last mental breakdown.

lunachickk, for youuuuuuuuuuuu:

doodles, randy likes to shoot squirrels, doodles: bad!fic, ree's most excellent adventures, doodles: qaf

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