the vantime emmys

Jun 22, 2008 00:44

Damn. :(

Well, he didn't win. Least he was looking fiiiiiine.

DAMNED FINE. Orange. ♥ ♥ ♥ And most importantly, having a GREAT hair day! *shameless girlie sigh* I want to poke him in the belly so he'll grin, tho. *pets Jake in the background*

GUH. Van matches the set, heh. Jake totally has his GQ model stance going on. ♥

On the red carpet with a dork interviewer:

Presenting Best Talk Show Host:

So, this started off as trying my hand out at doodling Van and turned into a doodle re-enactment of Emmy night. ;D Planned to post this last night, but once I started drifting off to sleep--TWICE--at the keyboard, decided the coding should wait til tonight adlfjlkj.

I wish I was kidding. :| Also, take a good long look at Jake. That's the last you'll see of him before they present on-stage.

*painfully lame opening with The View chick* Though I totally laughed when she had to stop to catch her breath cos her dress was hard to breathe in, "Being pretty is hard."


*cheezy logo and music*

The camera found Van at the table pretty super quick! Actress McActress was on his one side, BUT THE CAMERA WOULD NOT PAN TO HIS RIGHT SO I COULD SEE WHO WAS SITTING NEXT TO HIM, DAMMIT. I never did find Jake in the audience. Woe. WOE I SAY. I'm just going to imagine they were sitting side by side and occassionally would brush their arms together and lean over to gossip about people. (Um. It totally looks like the audience all have their hands up like a heist is going on, but they're actually all *YAY!* and *claps* aldja.)

V: And the winner is...
Envelope: *puts up a fight*
V: It's hard.



At one point when Jake is reading the teleprompter, Van is all *HEEEEEEEE GRIN*. I lust for HD screencaps adlkjf.

After they were done, they walked off the stage and down the stairs. And the ABC logo pops up in the middle of the screen as they go to commercial and you could see Jake--BUT VAN VANISHED. He was too short, the logo completely blocked him, HEEEEEE. *dies*

Let the drinking and partying commence!

Thank you and goodnight! ;D

More fabulous pics at van_daily. ♥

Now I really want to do this with a G/R event aldfja. OR ALFLKJDALKJ. QaF Eps: A Reedoodle Production! OMG OMG OMG.

doodles: atwt, van the man, emmys, doodles, jake the hunk

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