this breaking news brought to you by the year 2007, heh.

May 06, 2008 21:38

So, hey, Van is ever so gaygaygay. Shocking, I know. ;) And like Boobs wisely says, I wouldn't doubt that the "sources" were Van and Tyler themselves. Especially in light of all the support Perez had been giving Van and the Nuke pairing lately, plus how P&G wouldn't let Van officially come out. Will be interesting where Van takes it from here. All this? Makes me reminisce about when Gale came out as straight, up to and including the fangirls who refused to believe. Only in reverse. But just as amusing!

Jake? Still straight. SO FAR.

And because mentioning Van without Jake is like posting about Randy without some Gale: AN OMGSOHOT JAKE PHOTO a la a tip from my
Suzy-Q. THE HIP THRUST/THUMB HOOKED IN THE JEANS/SHIRT TUG TRIPLE THREAT COMBO IS KILLING ME. And then further down, there is one of Van. The I... GUH. Also, red is so that boy's color. And then further down below THAT, there is one of them together. Van = barefoot and SITTING IN JAKE'S LAP.

Seriously, how are they so pretty?

Okay, onto their simultaneously gay alter egos!

• OMG SO GOOD. As the Chat Stew segment on The Soup say, "So meaty!" There were so many good little things happening. Just the overall tone was more... relaxed, is all I can think of to describe it. More like it would be once Luke and Noah are actually allowed to, y'know, touch. Last week's ep had me worried about a break-up. I had a post written after it aired that I, uh, forgot to post. But basically it was this: :(((. I needn't have worried, it turns out. ♥

• I'm pretty sure Luke stood outside Noah's door practicing what he was gonna say and nervously running his hand through his hair as he did it. Because, wow, that's the only thing that would explain that suprised hair-do he was sportin' there. Oh, Luke. I love you even when your hair is 'tarded.

• Cuddling on the couch FTW. Noah patting the couch has never seemed so romantic. And Luke's *KILL* look he gave Ameera when she came in the door and interrupted them again, ahahahaha!

• I'm surprised Luke didn't insist on driving Noah and just waiting in the truck. Of course, then he and Ameera wouldn't have been able to "bond" over lovin' a stubborn man. And I totally would've been okay with that.

• They can't drive anywhere together, but hugging and nuzzling outside Noah's house is okay? Ooookay. OTOH, it's nice to see Noah accepting comfort when he needs it. Plus, that hug made me warm.

• Jake kicked acting bootay this ep, wow! I love when the boys get to be all *OMG SO ANGRY AND YELLING* and have something to really sink their teeth into. And, why yes, I did totally jump when he lunged forward and smacked his hand on the table adlkal. And I love that it took defending Luke to bring him to that. ♥

• Okay, so. Ameera and the Colonel. I've been suspicious of her from the start, but their first on-screen "meeting" didn't go as I figured it would, all "THE PLAN IS WORKING, COLONEL, MUAHAHAHA!" etc. Instead, it was... icky. That's the only way to describe it. The way the Colonel said, "Are you still my girl?" made me feel dirty, much less Ameera. She looked pretty creeped out.

• Random: I ♥ Casey.

• Darn, I know I'm forgetting something, as usual. Well, anyway, they were v. adorable!! Definitely gonna be icons made. *nods*

van the man, luke/noah, tv: atwt, jake the hunk

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