Infomercial, QaF-style

Nov 12, 2004 22:08

Brilliant, heartbreaking fic got you down? Has sweetestdrain's latest broken you into tiny, weeping pieces? If you answer Yes to these questions, then this is your answer to the B/J blues!

kyleschick's new B/J vid, Somewhere Only We Know, will fix all your fic owwies. It's sweet and straight-forward with the lovin'. And, best of all, Justin isn't dead.

Wait! I know what you're asking yourselves! But, url_girl, what would something this great go for? $119.99? $89.99? You bet! ...If it were being produced by Cowlip, that is. But because I like you, I'm slashing prices!

Order within the next fifteen minutes and for no cost at all--yes, you read that right, at no cost to you--you too can celebrate alive!Justin. He slices, he dices, he ChaChas with Brian!

Download here today!

Fourteen minutes and counting...

This infomercial brought to you by Poor Girl Vids (tm). I can't yet, so I pimp others who do.

fanvids, recs, tv: qaf, brian/justin

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