just finished a grey's marathon and boy are my legs tired

Nov 22, 2007 01:52

Getting caught up in prep for the holy Gale Day tonight.

Once again, all the eps are mushed into one run-on post. Minus a few thoughts because I couldn't read my handwriting when I went to type them up just now. The risk of writing in the dark while laying on the couch, heh.

• Ava being back is quite possibly the best thing evah. I'm a huge Alex/Ava shipper, though I oddly don't mind the Alex/Lexie we've been getting either. I did kinda roll my eyes at the whole situation with A/A in the on-call room. Alex is working. I'm not sure how Ava thought they'd have this deep heart-to-heart about their "relationship". It's not like he had a choice about leaving when he got paged. That's kinda how the room got it's name and all. Anyway, I'm just not sure what she expected to happen. If you want Alex's full attention, pop up AFTER WORK. Still, that first kiss was pretty awesome. :D

• The scene between Christina and Meredith on the idea of throwing her mom's ashes off the roof cracked me up. Was sad but funny.
C: How about the roof?
M: She's afraid of heights.
C: The ashes, Meredith. The ashes are not agrophopic.

• Meredith, "I'm cheerful." Kid, "I think the ashes make that unlikely." AHAHAHAHAHA.

• How did Bailey not know about body dismorphic disorder when I -- THE NON DOCTORY TYPE -- do?
And having the chainsaw contest at the same time this guy just happens to come in... convenient.

• MY LOVE FOR THE CALLIE/CHRISTINA BFFNESS CONTINUES TO GROW OMG. Seriously, so much love. They get each other, y'know? ♥ And it doesn't detract any from the Christina/Meredith BFFness, imo. They're still each other's persons. Also, C/C being roomies MAKES MY HEART BURST WITH JOY.

• And while we're on BFFness, Derek and McSteamy being friends again is totally working for me. I still miss Addison, though. Sigh.

• McSteamy doing the pro bono surgery. ♥ I'm like the nurses - he's not my favorite, but he's a good egg sometimes. Oh, god, that nurses club against him aldsja. So ded. But mostly I was wondering where the heck that kid's mom was. Yeah, working. But even after his surgery? We never saw her. It was just weird, that's all.

• Dr. Hahn is a rock star. I love her. I loved her before when she only popped up every so often, so this is beyond awesome. She's strong like Addison, but more dry. Though her comparing a guy's night out to segregation made me go WTF and roll my eyes. The Chief invited a friend over and that friend invited a friend to hang out after work. HOW WAS THAT EXCLUDING HER? IT WAS GUYS HANGING OUT AFTER WORK. :| :| :|

• The ashes down the surgery drain. Such a great moment. :((

• So, is there only one kind of anesthesia? :\

• "Being aware of your crap and overcoming your crap are two different things." So v. true. Sigh.

• Hahn to Derek and McSteamy, "Are you two a couple?" Ree = ded. Also, her later calling them "Pretty" and "Prettier". I so wanted them to find out about that and then argue over who's who aldfkja. I bet someone does it in fic. *fingers crossed* Even though I don't read GA fic. Hmn, I might take a look around later.

• Hardcore!Izzie is too cute to be hot. She'd get all sex kitten and I'd start snickering.

• I'm gonna miss intern!Richard Gilmore. :(

• Meredith to the thrilled-to-still-be-alive-skydiver, "That feeling goes away." Just the way she said it. Made my heart break. Oh, M. :((

• Okay, when Izzie and George go to finally have sex and Izzie is all "I'M EXHAUSTED SORRIES!
" and George is all "ME TOO S'OKAY!
" and they cuddle and then after a beat George asks, "UM DID U ONLY SHAVE 1 LEG?
" and Izzie sobs hysterically, "I KNOW I'M SORRIES!
" That? WAS THE BEST MOMENT IN GREY'S HISTORY. Well, this week anyway. So much love. ♥

• I miss George/Callie. Girl got the short end of that marriage, man. :(

• I like that the chemistry is off with George/Izzie. I even shipped them for awhile there, but their BFF vibe has won me over more. I especially like how Callie is gleeful that it's not working out for them. ;D And that last "You're lying" line about the "great" sex was genius.

• Meredith and Derek both have said how she won't let him take care of her, get close. And that's exactly what she lets him do in those after-sex moments. It's so bittersweet and sad and lovely and makes me wanna squish Meredith and feed her soup. Derek could go on an ice cream run for us. And bring back some Blockbuster movies. Then go home.

• McSteamy to Derek, "You're dating the Chief."

• Pornstar!Izzie was adorable, even if she was freaking George out.

• Izzie, "He kisses like a chicken. Pecking! Did he kiss you like a chicken, Meredith?" Poor Izzie. And Meredith's freaked out expressions everytime one of them talked to her.

• Kid to parents, "I want you two to get a divorce." IT'S LIKE THAT KID WAS GUS IN FIVE YEARS TALKING TO HIS MOMS ALDKJA.

• McSteamy and Hahn better not hook up. :| Besides, I'm really hoping they decide to make her character lezzie. :D

• Oh, god. Izzie traumatized by the tub sex gymnastics aldkajs and George all, "I think I chipped my tooth..." *DIES* Best scene since the leg-shaving incident kthx.

• "I need to scrub in, even if it is ortho." And then the disparaging snort aldjfa. Christina! ♥

• Had Lexie not answered first, I think Meredith would've said they were sisters. Her sad little expression when Lexie didn't let her just killed me. At some point we're going to get a nice scene between those two where Meredith will claim her as family. I JUST KNOW EET. And it will make me tear up, I know that too.

• The magnet!kid was pretty neat.

• BAILEY GOT MADE CHIEF RESIDENT OMG. 'Bout time. Woot! Now she can get back to kicking ass. Oh, god, when she started crying, so overwhelmed, and hugged the Chief and, omg. So good! I started bawling too. :(( And Callie not being that upset about being fired was perfectly in character. Yeah, it sucks to be fired, but like she said to the pep squad chick, now she can get back to doing what she loves.

• Alex can be a shit, but I still like him. He's my Brian Kinney, actually. Honesty to a fault. Except Brian had more discretion. If you can imagine that!

• I want Meredith to be my big sis. I know, I know. She's screwed up. But she'd be a good big sis. She just would. Like Brian would be a good big brother. *firm nod*


tv: grey's anatomy, teevee

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