Hi, white DVD boxes are a bitch to keep clean. Just ask my scuffed S2 box. :|
That said, I don't hate it. I really like the simple, clean lines. Even if it does look like a Hostess donut box.
I am disappointed, though. Deep down, I knew they wouldn't pay for new art work, but still, I'd hoped, y'know? And then I'd thought, well, if they do bastardize old cover art, please, oh, god, please let it be from S3. That season's art was the highlight of all art for me. Brian's in the forefront looking all sexy/emo with his perfect hair, Justin's right over Brian's shoulder where he should be with his perfect hair. Er, yeah, the hair is important. Michael and his family on Brian's other side, the girls waaay in the back. All perfect placement! Add in the dramatic black with the blue disco ball/Babylon-esque background and it's quintessential QaF. And black is easier to keep unscuffed kthx. :P
But, hey, this one doesn't make my eyes bleed! And really, that's not something you can take for granted when dealing with our big ole gay show's packaging. So, yay!
Wait, there's something wrong. *cocks head*
There, that's better. *firm nod*
Still no extras listed. Hmn. The shape gives me hope there'll be a long dildo book in there. Y'know, like those kind that come in big CD compilation boxes. Or a thick one the size of a DVD box. With lotsa previously unseen photos and lost interviews o' speshulness. Hey, I don't have the cover art to obsess over anymore, at least gimme this to hope for. :P
"What is this, a missile launch?"
Amazon upped the price again. No shocker, just informing. ;)
Oh, and someone on imdb found
these. The art matches up, but I have no idea if any of this is official. It's not listed on any other site that I could find. Plus they only have 27 DVDs listed. :|
It's like S2 art with the S1 rainbow band mixed with the Photoshopping of S5. Seriously, whoever was in charge of the Photoshopping needs to calmly put the mouse down and back away. Brian and Michael look like awkward Siamese twins. Also, Justin is sniffing Brian's elbow alkdja. Ted's posture seems to best sum it all up, heh. Hmn, I wonder if Brian will have chest hair or if it's been brushed out.
I wish CL had let us vote for the packaging like
we can for BSG. Then we'd only have ourselves to blame, heh. Also, omg. The Highlander people are brill. They're selling the entire HL series. And for the people who already have all the seasons?
You can buy just the outer holding box! Oh, those Immortals. With age comes wisdom. :X
OMG OKAY THE FUN PART NOW. All this talk of cover art got me all nosy about which y'all favored. And it gave me an excuse to give LJ my poll virginity. I hope it calls me in the morning like it promised.
Poll The Great QaF DVD Cover Art Battle of 2007THE CHOICES OMG
Season: 1
Pros: Cover is 80% Brian.
Cons: I.. can't think of any. Even Michael between Brian and Justin is perfect.
Brian Fuckability: High. Red lips, long neck, omg.
Justinness: Awesome. Leering at Brian is always good.
Brian Hair: Mmmm. Work it, boy.
Justin Hair: Mmmm. Highlights; what every gay boy wants.
Chance of rubbage: High. Good times, good times.
Season: 2
Pros: Black and white photos make me horny.
Cons: Brian looks more retarded than sexy. :(
Brian Fuckability: High. It's always high. Duh.
Justinness: He had me at *holds butt*. Just do it closer to Brian.
Brian Hair: The Ken doll 'do is kinda scaring me.
Justin Hair: Eh. Not feeling the love.
Chance of rubbage: Medium.
Season: 3
Pros: See my gushing in this post.
Cons: Hmn. Attack of the Em Chest.
Brian Fuckability: High. High! HIGH! *tackles*
Justinness: In full force, baby.
Brian Hair: Mmmm. Just the right amount of emo mousse and bangs.
Justin Hair: Mmmm. Long and shiny.
Chance of rubbage: High. *comes*
Season: 4
Pros: Gale with the word "queer" blazoned above his head
Cons: Scott is getting more action from Gale than Randy
Brian Fuckability: High. His shoulder is being all slutty.
Justinness: High. Buzzz cut, mmmm.
Brian Hair: Mmmm. Though half hidden by tiny text.
Justin Hair: Mmmm. Fan of the buzz cut, yup yup.
Chance of rubbage: Medium high.
Season: 5
Pros: Uh.
Brian Fuckability: Just don't let the Rosie arm touch me.
Justinness: Damned adorable. Even if he is feeling up the wrong guy.
Brian Hair: *weeps*
Justin Hair: Mmmm. Quite lovely, actually.
Chance of rubbage: High. As in, I'd have to be high to let this touch my girlie bits.