you'll always be a-list to me

Jun 20, 2007 12:21


• OMG THAT WAS BRUTAL ON MY HEART. Oh, Kathy. :((((( It's hard enough to lose your father, but then to do it with camera around. I'm grateful they didn't take the cameras up to the ICU. I had my finger on the remote in case they did; I didn't want to remember him like that. That last phone call between them was especially heartbreaking. Oh, god, and whenever Kathy!mom would break down on the phone. :(((( And it really did sound like he was saying goodbye, telling her he was proud of her and loved her while he still could because he knew. And then finding out he took the decision out of his wife's hands and died while watching golf. :((((( AND THAT ORGY OF JOHN CLIPS MADE ME CRY. All the old photos! I love photos and it was fabulous to see him young and happy. That last shot of him standing in his robe, looking off at the sunrise. BRUTAL ON MY HEART, I TELL YOU. :((((((

• V. sad things aside, I'm all :(( that Kathy and the cameras never made it onto The Boat of Children and The Lesbians Who Love Them. Kathy surrounded by children and Rosie's giant arms. I was ready to peepee myself!

• Jessica is teh gay now aldkja. I KNEW those MySpace sparkly graphics could turn you gay. Though after seeing all her tats, lemme just say I, too, would consider turning gay for Jessica for a night. Hmn, I wonder if she met someone on MySpace... I kept waiting for Kathy to get back to gay!Jessica. Maybe another ep. *hopes*

• OMG, the whole "trip 'em, throw 'em overboard" to keep the kids away from Kathy on the cruise ladjsa. And then next week she's gonna be around a whole classroomful. Boob jobs girl and be gay boys alsdkjfasl. SO INAPPROPRIATE. *laughing through her facepalm* God, I hope her nephew is already well-liked in that school. >.<

• THE CLIT SPANKING ALSDKJFASLDKJF. *DED* That whole scene was hilarious, oh, god. And Tom asking if they went on a date and Kathy all "or did he just show up and all *whack* noooo!" *so ded* God, I want to be her assistant. ALSO NOW I NEED TO KNOW WHICH ALFONSO IT WAS. Cos last night the only one I could think of was Alfonso Ribeiro from Fresh Prince of Bel Air aldkja. I DID NOT NEED THAT MENTAL IMAGE, BRAIN, KTHX. Can you imagine watching the show and suddenly your fuck buddy is talking about how you abused her clit and it's all "don't even think about eeet!"? *dies*

• As a girl who's spent many an hour personally eating those yummy pancake balls, lemme just say SOLVANG FOOD ROCKS. V. bad for a diet, but totally ROCKS.

• The Chumash Casino gig!!!! I was almost there. :((((

• Kathy working out with Jackie, bwa! "Did I just have a baby?" and "That bitch almost killed me!" I caught Kathy's appearance on Work Out, but, oh, god, this was so much funnier! And then Gage Weston, Colt porn star, was there aldkjasldj. The touching aldjaslk and "Can you spoon me?" I DIED. So gonna be a post on HIM later. With a lot less clothes on.

Gage (right) with his so-muscley-it's-hard-to-even-clap!boyfriend, Luke. :D

• I can't take it when Kathy bombs with an audience. I want to yell at them to get the sticks outta their asses then take her to go get drunk. "*tears up* confidence has taken a hit." :((((

• What's with the black mark where her wedding ring used to be? I saw it during her new stand-up special, I think it was, but tonight we had a close-up. It looks like a burn. :S

And then I found out that Kathy doodled for charity!

Awwww, so colorful! It looks traced. ;)) Also like she started with the middle design and then randomly turned it into a flower. Oh, Kathyface. :X It was auctioned off, but I dunno for how much since the auction was from May. I really want to see her drawing it on the show, but I dunno if Bravo was following her around that late in the year. Don't they just stay with her for 3-4 months? So, Jan-April at the latest. Hopefully those doodle people asked early and we get some mention of it in the show. "Jessica, draw it for me!"

Then I got to looking at everyone else's ladskfja. (There are a bunch more at the site, this is just a few I liked.)

Mat Kearney, musician whom I would hump. It's a doodle with a story! Which makes doodle sense to me, considering his songs and the way his brain must work. Mmmm, I ♥ this one so much. I woulda bid on it. *nod nod*


Rick Springfield, my 80's music crush, omg. I love his cartoon style. Doodle more, doodle more! And speaking of cartoon style...

Angus Oblong, creator of The Oblongs cartoon. SO CUTE. I wonder how much THIS one went for!

Gregg Bissonetter, drummer. A doodles band, hee! I'm curious what tune the notes play.

Bradley Whitford from WW and S60. Um. I love you, Brad, but your doodle kinda scares me.

But look at Steven Weber's! HOMG!

Now I really want Gale and Randy to do each other doodles for next year. Think of the money the foundation would make!

Oh, oh! There's Rick & Steve DVD cover art now! Aww, holding hands and hugging, Lego-style.

I'm not sure, do you think it's safe for children?

tv: happiest gay couple, kathy griffin is my girlfriend, tv: my life on the d-list, teevee

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