I am so emotionally spent.
• Bill flying the copter and being Robin to Jack's Batman was kick ass, baby. KICK ASS. I'm gonna miss Bill next season, assuming he actually does retire. :(
• Chloe's with child! This makes me giddy -- and nervous. I want her back next season and not some toss off explanation by her replacement that she's off having a familiy with Vance. And if we go with the future scenario, Lil Chloe could be, like, 10yrs old and all :| like her mom and make my day. :D And thank god she and Morris are back together. Darling.
• I must thank the writers for not making the VP a dick throughout the entire season. They actually let his character grow and while he's still not even close to my favorite man, I didn't hate him in his last scenes!
• Still don't care Palmer is in a coma.
• What the--?! We didn't find out the big mystery Marilyn was hiding from Josh! NOT COOL, 24, NOT COOL. Hmn, hopefully they're setting that storyline up to be a big arc in next season. Whatever it is, Crazy!Grandpa knows. Marilyn freaked out when she was questioning Josh on exactly what Grandpa told him. I was starting to get a bad feeling that it was actually Grandpa that was Josh's dad, but then he went off on that "what your father should have been" rant and I bet Grandpa was actually talking about Jack, not Graem. I hope. I SO WANT JACK TO HAVE A SON. His daughter was useless. :|
• More proof Josh is Jack's son? Little dude is a spitfire! He resisted Crazy!Grandpa whenever he could and THEN SHOT HIM. Though I was yelling at him to refuse to go to the boat with those guys on the beach. Or to roll out of the boat when it first took off and Jack was seconds from catching up to them. It's not like the guys were going to kill him - they had orders from Crazy!Grandpa to deliver him safe. He just needed to buy some time. He knew from Doyle that Uncle Jack was coming to save him! Also, if anyone tries to find Jack later, I hope it's Josh.
• Dammit. Guess Doyle won't be back next season. :\
• Or Milo, for that matter. Wasn't attached to him, though. Eh. Also, how did his brother get into the building when there's a huge ass terrorist attack happening? CTU, another year past and your security still sucks. :|
• Audrey's alive. Whatev. :| I figured she'd actually be alive, soon as we found out she'd gone to China for Jack.
• Oh, god. I was so cheering on Jack when he confronted the Senator about not coming for him AND destroying everything he touches. I so wanted Mr. Kinney to do that with various members of his family over the years. Just, YEAH BITCH. And, yeah, I know it was the Senator's gut reaction to keep his child safe. I understood it when Jennifer did it to Brian after the bashing. Doesn't mean I have to like it, or that Jack (or Brian) have to take it silently. These parents have got to stop hitting the PTSD!lovers while they're down, man. :P
• Jack standing at the wall at the end made me tear up. Oh, Jack. What an incredible 24 hours for you. To go from a Chinese prison/torture for almost two years, back to the US to die for your country, then on this wild chase for terrorists, kill your partner, lose your brother, find your lover, prepare to die for her, lose your lover again, lose your nephew, watch your father die, save your nephew, save your country again, lose your lover. And be alive at the end of it all.
• Though... I'm not entirely sure Jack!dad is dead. *suspicious look*
• My guess is that the next season starts in the future again, like this one did. I'd like to see it even further in the future, actually. Like, five or ten years. New president, new CTU staff, find out what everyone's been up to the past years slowly over the new season, like that. OMG! Josh could be grown up and at CTU aldfjasldjf.
I heart you, Jack. See you next year. :X
Grey's Anatomy
• The best first: CHRISTINA OMG. That final scene broke me. Like, really broke me. :(((( Um, okay, yeah, this show makes me cry a lot, but seriously, I was full out sobbing when Christina freaked out and was grabbing at her choker and Meredith was cutting it off her and then holding her as she cried and omg. Ree broken. :(((
• Bye-bye, Isaiah, stay gone. :|
• McDreamy was McBastard for telling Meredith he wasn't sure if he wanted the responsibility of keeping her afloat anymore. I just... grrr. And it's not even that I think it was wrong of him to feel that way. Meredith is a lot of work. But, my god, her year has been a little shitty, cut her a break. It was such a powerful scene. And, wow, Meredith handled it a lot better than I would have.
• Why isn't Meredith in therapy yet? I'd love to see her talking to someone. In a perfect world, she'd get Stanley (Adam Arkin), the therapist from West Wing. :D
• Oh, Callie. I love you and you're breaking my heart, darling. Having a baby with George just to hold onto him is not a good idea. Fight for your man, but not like this. Don't add another person to the pain. Hopefully once she finds out George's internship is over she'll back off the baby idea.
• I don't want Callie to lose her BFF Addison. :((((
• Alex and Ava. That was the weirdest chemistry those two had. It totally worked. At the same time, I had moments when I honestly didn't like Ava. But I'm sad he was too late in getting to her. And that he'll more than likely let her go, even though finding out where she went wouldn't be all that hard. I'm so confused. But, Alex, you deserve to be loved. :((
• George better not leave. :| :| :|
• George and Izzie are OTP, man.
Grey's Anatomy Spin-Off
• I'm still not sure WHY this series is even happening. Or why it had to be introduced during the actual GA season. But, I love Addison. Like, serious girlcrush. I will watch her in anything. But doesn't mean I won't bitch about it. And, oh, I can already tell I'm gonna have a season of bitching ahead. :|
• Addison honestly thought she was having a breakdown because the elevator was "talking" to her. No. Really. :| :| :|
• Why didn't Addison ever consider adoption? It pissed me off that NEVER came up for her. She complains about everyone around her having babyitis and it's so easy for everyone whineycakes. But, hello, it's not like Joe the Bartender's partner is having a butt!baby. THEY'RE ADOPTING. She could too, if she wanted a baby bad enough. And, yes, I get that's not the point to some extent. She was grieving over her loss to actually carry a baby. Just... sigh.
• The cast is good, though I'm not a huge fan of any of them. And, yes, I keep expecting Sydney to show up to take "Franny" to lunch. :P The set-up at the clinic thingie definitely holds potential. I like the idea of one patient going to one doctor, then another for follow-up or whatever. You'd get to see how the doctors handle patients differently and all that jazz. And I did laugh several times, so that's good. ;)
• Yeah, tell the kid crushing on you that he has to stop staring at you. It's not professional, etc. THEN BLATANTLY LEER AT HIM WITH YOUR FRIENDS LIKE SEX-STARVED SLUTS EVERYDAY AS HE GOES OUT SURFING. Talk about unprofessional and just plain MEAN. Not cool, Franny, not cool. :| :| :|
• Cooper is the new George for this show. He made me laugh several times.
• The baby case was just so... *slumps, tosses head about unhappily* I dunno, I just didn't like it. It was so cheap. And sensational. In a bad way.
Anyway, here's hoping the actual series is better. I don't want Addison to completely disappear off my teevee.
...that was it? :|
Just a quickie. Haven't watched this show in years, so I have no idea what's going on. But I was flipping around during commercials while watching The Office finale (PAMANDJIMOMG!!!) and caught some SV just in time to hear Lana tell Lex, "You aren't capable of love, Lex. You never were."
Wow. I haven't had Lana rage in ages. *blink*
Gilmore Girls
I can't even type about losing this show with dry eyes. It's like QaF going away all over again. I just... *hand on heart* And this ep was just so damned good. It really was. I was scared it would be so-so and I'd be grumpy forever. But then I read that this ep was written as a series finale, just in case it didn't get picked up. And it wasn't. And they did such a good job. *mourns*
• Luke made a tent! A TENT PEOPLES. :(((( You wouldn't think that could be so romantic, but I burst into tears. Again. Y'know, it'd be easier to just assume I was a snotty mess for this entire hour kthx.
• OMG I SO WANT TO GO ON A ROLLER COASTER ROAD TRIP NOW. Roller coasters and cotton candy and gross hot dogs and omg. Sounds heavenly. :X Though I so knew Rory and Lorelai weren't going to go. Their vacation record rivals Brian and Justin. :P
• Rory and Logan breaking up. :((( And I can't even fault either one. They were both true to themselves. But it still killed me.
• Lorelai and Luke getting together. Again. :))) Though the WB sucks donkey balls for putting their kiss in the freakin' previews. I mean, I knew they'd get back together, but that's kinda why I watch the show, y'know -- to find out how! Grrr.
• Richard and especially Emily getting all choked up as they said goodbye to Rory. Emily had to turn and leave and it was just so painfully sweet.
• Lane and Zach. I've never been a huge fan of their marriage, but, dammit, they were adorable and Zach going on tour fit and I'm happy. And it will never not make me laugh that one twin has a Korean name and the other is named Steve.
• Rory to Lane, "I don't know what it's like having a sister..." Dude. Don't let Gigi hear you say that. :|
• Oh, Emily. Trying so desperately to keep Lorelai in her life after Rory leaves. And Lorelai telling her they'd keep the Fri night dinners. *cries* I bet Luke will love going. *snicker*
• Okay, seriously, Paris is going to be a doctor?! Those poor patients. *snicker* I hope she sticks to the research end. But even so, won't she have to do E.R. stints and all that? Oy. Y'know, Paris is the one they should give her own spin-off show. ;))
• Then the final scene in Luke's, just like it started. The Gilmore-Danes family. And framed by a window-full of twinkly lights like a family portrait. Oh, god, GG, break me all over again. :(((
• I'm always going to be grumpy that we lost most of this season to the Lorelai/Christopher arc. It was a chapter on story that had already been told and didn't need to be reopened. I'm annoyed we missed out on eavesdropping on a year in Luke/Lorelai's lives together. Plus I would have really loved to have seen Lorelai pregnant -- the hormones and omg Luke thought she ate a lot BEFORE aldkfjas. :D But if it had to go, I'm glad it was this episode and not, say, last year's.
I already miss you, GG.
Now I wanna know how Amy originally wanted the season to end, dammit. :|
Seriously. Emotionally drained, people. I love this show so much. *sobs*
• CHARLIE. :((((( He's been such a bitch this season. So, of course, the last few eps he's been the old Charlie again, funny and sweet and noble -- and then they kill him. :| :| :| Assuming he's actually ded. We didn't see him being eaten by sharks or anything, so there's hope. THE ISLAND HEALS. That's my new motto. If Brian had gone there during S4, he'd have two balls right now. I'm just saying.
• Jack being all strong and "letting" Ben kill the others - good god, Matthew can act! That scene hurt and was awful and perfection. I'm still breathless. I held out hope that since we didn't see the three fall with bullets, they'd still be alive. But I wasn't too sure - it'd be just like Lost to kill those three and let Charlie live at the end. So I was all *bites nails*.
• But back to Charlie. When you're about to flood a station and someone has told you you're going to drown and then you spot some scuba gear, know what? YOU SHOULD PUT ON THE SCUBA GEAR FIRST. I was yelling at him to, but noooo. And why not get out of the little room soon as you're done? Or get out through the broken window? Or.. or... I dunno, SOMETHING. Don't accept fate. Only dead people accept fate. Just ask Heroes. :P
• My first thought when we saw bearded!Jack was that we were starting in the future and, wow, that was kinda neato of you Lost peoples. Then I was all "duh, no, it's gotta be a flashback, ree." But I still couldn't shake the feeling it was a flashforward. I actually blame the Lost special they aired beforehand. (Which, btw, was pretty nifty having the big things summed up -- I actually learned a couple things! Like that the Dharma people and the Others are different groups. I missed that first time 'round!) Anyway, was watching that tonight and they were talking about the survivors never getting off the island cos then there would be no show and I was all, "I bet they get off..." AND THEN THEY DID. Well, Jack and Kate anyway. I wonder who else made it back, if anyone.
• "I'm a dentist, not Rambo." ROSE AND BERNARD ARE LOVE.
• HURLEY SAVED THE DAY IN THE BUS OF BEER AND HOPE! "I saved everyone!" HUUURLEY!!!! :D :D :D I was getting so sad/angry every time someone rejected him because of his weight, even though he didn't know it was because both times the people were trying to keep him safe. :((( Of course, it is kinda hard to hide in the jungle while wearing a bright red shirt. :P
• Sawyer shooting that guy, omg. His face gave me chills. It was hot AND sad. And I loved that it was "for taking the kid off the raft". Not "for keeping me in a cage" or "for making me do manual work with those nasty rocks". Oh, Sawyer. ♥ Also, my heart clenched for him, knowing he was so torn up about killing Locke's dad. He couldn't even tell Kate. Then again, Ms. Loose Lips isn't exactly a good one to confide in. :|
• Jack and his beard kept messing with my mind. He reminded me of George Clooney with that beard in Syriana, so of course I kept picturing George in the Jack role and Brad Pitt in the Sayid role, etc. It was like Ocean's 14: The Lost Years.
• Wow, Sayid has feet o' death alajfa. That was oddly hot. And I do not find Sayid hot at all usually.
• Dude. Walt done found puberty. o.O I'm assuming that was the island's doing and not Walt actually there. Next season we'll probably get a flashback scene in some city with Michael asking Walt why he's staring into space and Walt will be all, "I was talking to Locke." *dramatic Lost music and logo*
• So, Locke. He doesn't want to leave the island and up until now, I've always assumed it was because he'd found peace and purpose there, had the use of his legs, etc. But I couldn't figure out why he'd want to keep everyone there with him. I don't like to think of him as a narcissistic bastard, what he'd be if his only goal was to doom everyone along with him by keeping them on the island just so he'd be happy. But is it supposed to be something bigger? Like, the island has a plan for them and it's his destiny/job to keep them there to fulfill it? Hmn.
• Mother and child reunion. ♥
• Hmmn. I have a feeling Kate isn't with Sawyer in the future. Too easy. And that Mystery Man is more like her parole officer. Or Ben or Locke. For one, much as I love K/S, I don't see them being able to sustain a relationship off the island. Opposites attract and all that. They're too much alike.
• Who's in that coffin, omg. Had to be someone not related or friends with Jack. Someone that Jack would cry over. Though most likely because of guilt. I'd guess, but chances are we don't have near enough info to even try. ;))