falling for gale

May 07, 2007 23:59

I saw Gale's movie.

Tall and skinny and named Gale!
Striking resemblence, right? ;D I really wish I'd spotted it earlier in the daylight. Taking pictures of road signs chemically treated to light up like atomic bombs when exposed to a sudden light source, like say from, oh, car headlights or MY CAMERA'S FLASH is not as easy as you'd think aldfaj. Also, I, um, hugged the pole. So I can honestly say I, Ree, have hugged Gale. :p (Though I'm afraid to think what the neighbors on the corner house -- drawn no doubt by the repeated flashing -- thought of the girl hugging and taking pictures of the road sign in their yard.)


If you've read my adventure to see Gale Kim, Gale's ex, last year, you know I am the master of The Plan. Give me weeks of preparation and I'll come up with something that will dazzle and impress. And might I just say I did it again this year. Yes, you guessed it, I totally stole my plan from last year akjdfa. The Plan: Sit in the back and pray Gale sneaks in and sits on my lap inches from me. Could work!


Yeah, I got lost. A lot. Hide your shock. >.< Though I did go the coastal route this time through Malibu/Santa Monica/Beverly Hills, so while it took twice as long, getting lost was much more prettiful. I ran through waves and watched surfers and got sunburned. Woot!


I got into town waaaay early on purpose. Figured I'd get the tickets to bypass the bzillion festival people I was sure would be swarming closer to showtime, not to mention do some quick reconnaissance to make sure Gale wasn't sitting in the underground parking lot smoking up a giant ganja cloud in his car until he had to go be pretty for his public. Sadly, there were no Gales lurking about.

Only, um, I sorta forgot to factor in that they wouldn't have the Will Call table set up until 5:30pm. D'oh. So I went wandering around. There was much food eaten and people watching and imagining Justin there in L.A. via post-S3.

Random: Know what's awesome about L.A.? There will be a swanky restaurant with swanky people in their swanky clothes filling the swanky outside tables. And next door? A strip club with neon XXX NUDE GIRLS flashing. Oh, L.A.! :X


Your typical theatre, it's just upstairs and surrounded by an open air courtyard with restaurants and tables. Take the escalator to the second floor, a sharp right and you're there.

Random: Across the street is the famous Comedy Club. Jon Lovitz was there that night. Also, you know you're in L.A. when it isn't until the fifth or sixth buff guy in workout gear jogs past you in less than a couple minutes that you realize, hey, that's kinda odd. Turned out there's a Crunch gym beside the theatre alskja.

To the right at the entrance was a table with the tickets and the bzillion people I had anticipated. Just, um, minus the bzillion people. Turns out I was the first one there and it was already after six. o.O

Random: The ticket taker door guy -- omg, I forget his name, let's call him Bob, he seemed like a Bob -- was Vic-aged and bubbly and funny and v. v. gay and I immediately wanted to take him for cocktails and talk men and movies and Britney and how Lance Bass is better off without that cheating ass boyfriend anyway.

Anyway, so Bob asks FestivalTicketGuy if he should let me into the theatre itself or just the lobby since the movie was still 45 min away.

And I'm all, "PLZ LET ME GO IN.


I got in. Woot!

But no Gale. DAMN. The lobby AND actual theatre were completely empty. So I decide to go in and sit and omg...

There are three entire middle rows marked "reserved".

There are two director's chairs set up directly in front of the screen.


Do I sit in the back via The Plan or sit in the row directly behind the reserved row or in the row directly infront of the chairs.
If Gale does show and sits in that middle row, I could be close enough to lean forward and sniff him. NOT THAT I WOULD DO THAT. Well, more than once, anyway.

But the chairs! Sit there and I would be front and center for every one of his 1000 Galefaces AND UP CLOSE CROOKED TOOTH WITNESSING.

But the back! The back had the lure of being by the door where Gale could slip in all incognito in his hat-of-the-day and overcoat, not to mention easy line-of-sight should he sit somewhere other than in my lap. Plus, y'know, I am shy like whoa.


But as tempting as it was, I stuck to The Plan.

I needn't have worried. Again. :|


As I'm sure everyone knows by now, if Gale was there, he had his sooper stealth mode activated. Not even the hint of ganja smell anywhere.
Two events within three days and no picture evidence anywhere. You are strong in the Force, Mr. Howard.

My guess is that if he showed up, he met up with Fay earlier in the day over at the Directors Guild of America building a little down the road and never ventured over to the theatre. If that's true, he was in and out of there quick like a bunny because there's no hint of even his left ear in any of the photos at the site. Or maybe he missed his plane outta New York because he was pinned under Randy or was sick or, my favorite, was working on his new TV show, who knows. But my gut says he wasn't at the festival at all.

Frankly, I don't blame him either way. Sad I missed him again, of course, but not heartbroken COS HELLO I WATCHED 100 MINUTES OF GALE ON THE BIG SCREEN!

And it was v. v. v. good.


Assume there are spoilers from here on down in case you want to see the movie a virgin!


Had to get that out first. Ahem.

This movie is made of awesome kthx.

Yes, there are some cliche chick flick parts, but there are also some original things. Yes, there is some weird continuity issues with Gale's hair, but there are also some really great scenes. Some even involving the guhness of his hair. No, really! In one night scene, he's grinning and his hair is shorter and doing that flippy thing at his neck, guuuh.

Seriously, Gale is so damned charming and pretty in this. Great outfits and pretty diverse, and, wow, TALL. Like, WAY TALL. Especially during any scenes in Chinatown aljdfas. I mean, duh, I know he's tall, but this was beyond awesome. I don't know if it was the bigger screen or what. He'd sit on a bench and he'd be all legs. He'd stand there in a golfing stance or run across a street and it's all HELLO GALE'S BEAUTIFUL LEGS.

And he's funny! He had his comedic timing down, especially when he meets Grace's parents. And when he and Grace go bowling. YES BOWLING. I died and died. LOVE! If anyone heard a high-pitched squeak during that scene, that was me, sorry.
It's a v. cliche montage scene with him bowling great, her getting the gutter ball, him teaching her the correct stance, lotsa laughter, her eventually getting a strike and jumping up and down while he shakes his head and then high-fives her AND HE IS SO FREAKING ADORABLE.

Also, when he bowls, it's this awkward flurry of long arms and legs and UNDERWEAR SIGHTAGE. Just a slip of fabric peeks out above the waist of his jeans as he leans over, but it was gray cotton and it gave me a thrill. *is easy*

His name in the opening credits flash up when there's a close-up of a cab on-screen. Later on the way home, I'd grin whenever I saw a cab. I'm like a Pavlovian dog, I swear.


There were a few technical difficulties. Some audio drop-outs, etc. The biggest being when the movie completely cut out and went to black screen. The Host (who was standing by the door next to me almost for the whole movie) gasped-squeaked, "Ohmygod!" and rushed out. Seconds later movie was back. *thumbs up*

For those who've already seen the movie, help. :D

Grace is in the Shanghai store, just about to try on the dress (for the first time, not when Andrew is with her)-- BAM! FILM STOPS -- and restarts when Andrew is walking down the street talking to his BFF. Did we miss much?


Great supporting cast. And there were a lot more familiar faces than I was expecting since it'd been forever since I looked at the imdb listing! The blond lawyer from Law & Order played Gale's girlfriend, Roger Rees as his dad (doing his best Lionel Luthor) with Christine Baranski as his mom, BD Wong as an office suitor and of course Margaret Cho as one of her BFFs. Even chef Bobby Flay had a walk-on role. And while not actors I recognized, Grace's parents did a wonderful job.

The pacing. Oh, the pacing. It made me happy. Things weren't rushed. When Andrew finds out Grace has been deceiving him (omg Gale's woobie face broke me), he doesn't immediately forgive her. They spend a good amount of time apart. She apologizes and sends back an earlier gift from him. He goes back to his unfulfilling life and plays his role.

The ending does have the "only in the movies" sense of timing (Andrew realizes he wants to be with Grace just as she's leaving for a new job overseas and chases down her cab), but it's a Cinderella fairytale. It's supposed to have the magic at the end. ;)

So I mentioned the new job/declaration thingie. I so swooned. Okay, so, Andrew declares he wants to be with her. Grace asks if what he's saying is that he'd leave everything behind to be with her in Hong Kong. And he grins and says, "I dare you to ask me to do that." ALDKFASLDKFJASLDJ. SO MUCH GALE LOVE.

There's a bunch more details throughout the movie that were hilarious and touching and made me grin or sad-sigh. But I don't want to spoil everything for ya. ;)

Also, have to note that judging from the v. loud laughter in all the right spots and lack of talking during quieter moments, the audience was really loving it. Go, Fay and Gale!

Alsoalso, this movie is BEGGING to be iconed. For reals. I kept cropping at 100x100 in my head aldjaslj.


So, the movie ends, we all clap, yay we just saw 40ft!Gale, and as the credits roll (OMG THERE IS GALE'S NAME AGAIN) there's a slight commotion to my left at the door. First person I see is a photographer. His camera was huge -- and for once that's not me starting a dirty joke. Behind him is a small cluster of people filing in, all obviously involved with the festival or the film.


The house lights come back up and by now the Host is already down by the screen, thanking everyone for staying. That's when I see Fay right beside me, looking so tiny and adorable. She put her two large bags down in a seat and went down the aisle to the chairs.


She's adorable and funny and quick. I bet Gale had a good time filming with her.

And she's (mostly) a good actress! That restaurant clip on the myspace site really lets Gale shine, but that scene is actually her weakest. I was judging all her acting ability from that one scene, but can say now that's not fair at all. I can't remember if it was mentioned at any time over the last couple years, but I wouldn't doubt if that was one of the v. first scenes filmed. She's much more natural in other scenes, though there were some weak spots in the acting for several of the actors (Gale included), not just her.

She and Gale really do have some great chemistry throughout the rest of the film, the best Gale's had so far with any of the leading ladies in his films.


I'm v. proud and only slightly shocked to report that there were no embarrassing fangirl questions about Gale, what it was like to kiss him, how she continued to survive each day being so close to him, etc. I was nervous it would be the total opposite and then Gale would never pop up outta hiding behind the screen to surprise us adoring fans Fay. Yes, I was still hoping, even then. :p

So, Fay started with thanks for us coming then staying and was generally v. cute, introduced/thanked several people I can't remember, then we found out the actors who played her parents were in the audience as well. They got the most applause. ;)

Some of the questions:

Has she sold the film? She's currently in negotiations to get the film released. Whoo! That was the biggest news of the night.

How long did it take her from conception to current day? 8 years.

How did she get so many great locations? Her location scout is a god, does work for Law & Order and isn't above bribery.

What did she learn from the experience? To trust her gut. Every time she would follow someone else's opinion, she'd end up having to redo things.

Was there funds from overseas and if so, what percentage? This was the only time she seemed to tense up. She chose her words v. carefully, said about 1/5th, then cut herself off when she started to go further. I have no idea what that was about. :\

There was more, but I'm forgetting, I'm sorry. Nothing of earth-shattering importance, though.

Proof I am a dork: Early in the film Grace does voiceover about how she was the nerdy kid no one wanted to be friends with, but whenever something awful happened, her dad was always there for her, awww. Okay, so, fast forward toward the end of the movie. Without getting into spoilers, her life sucks and, aww, her dad shows up. And they're talking. In Chinese without subtitles. And I'm thinking how brilliant Fay is, showing us how the scene doesn't need subtitles because a father's love is universal no matter race, not to mention reminding us of how Andrew's father treated him completely the opposite. Fast forward again to the Q&A after the movie. Ed Asner asks why she chose to have that scene without subtitles and I'm thinking he is v. smart to give Fay the chance to explain the deeper meaning...

...right about the time Fay is all
, "What? There were no subtitles for that scene?!
Well, see, by the middle I figured you'd all know Chinese by then."

And we were all:

Turns out it was an editing mistake and will be fixed ASAP.

Ree = dork.


I know you were there, I could hear you squeeing.

There'd be a funny Gale part and the laughter would be louder/longer in the middle of the theater than anywhere. Made me giggle. :D


Aside from Gale, I was most hoping that Margaret would be there. I've wanted to have her hilarious Korean babies for over a decade. ♥ And since she had no scheduled tour dates for that weekend, I figured it was possible she might show up. But nope. Maybe she and Gale were out getting drunk in the Comedy Club.


But wait! Don't think we didn't have star power among us. We had... wait til you hear this... Ed Asner! Yeah, I know, nothing to stop your heart over, but I fondly remember him from Mary Tyler Moore and more recently S60, so I was jazzed. Plus I wanted to squish him for being so supportive and gentlemanly with Fay. The rare times there was a lull in the questioning, he would jump in with something to get the ball rolling. Ed = ♥

At the start of the Q&A, Fay asked if the rumor were true that Ed Asner was in the audience. "Not at all," he spoke up not far away from her. You could tell she was delighted and went on to tell us how she'd introduced herself to him in a restaurant, told him she enjoyed his work then explained how her film was being screened at the festival and invited him to come. "And he came!" she laughed. So cute.


Eveyone got one as you first came in. Numbered 1 thru 5, you rate how much you enjoyed the movie by ripping the paper at the number and they'd collect 'em as you left the theatre. Whatever movie at the end of the festival has the highest score wins... er, something. $25,000 is popping into my head, so let's go with that.

I totally gave it a 5. Duh. Hell, I was proud that I didn't rip that sucker before the movie even started.


• I love the beach.
• Not so much love for L.A. traffic.
• Movie awesome.
• Gale not spotted, but still awesome.
• Gale = made for the movies.
• Had weekend crush on Fay and still want to have Margaret's babies.
• I am shy like whoa, but fangirls make me happy.
• I suck at remembering to take photos.
• Gale is still awesome.


The two photos above are mine. These below would be courtesy of the photographer mentioned above. ;)

The front of the theatre! But on the wrong night, d'oh. Just imagine "FALLING FOR GRACE" under the "VC FILMFEST" line and it'll be like you were there.

BEHOLD TINY REE HEAD! (Ignore plz how I appear to have Brian's unfortunate S5 hair. It was pulled up behind me.
) It's hard to tell from that far off, but I'm grinning like a goofball, still high on Gale-movie-fumes. Mmm, Gale. The chairs, however, aren't sure if they enjoyed the film.

Fay on the right, the event's host on the left. I have no idea why they're dressed like twins aldfja. Fay was wearing something different earlier in the day.

This is pretty much Fay's :\ face when she found out there were no subtitles.

Sidenote about the poster: I totally misunderstood that poster for the longest time. I thought she had her fingers crossed for luck. Just now I realized they're crossed like when you lie and it doesn't count if you have your fingers crossed. Ohhhhhhhh, I get it now aldja!

That guy in the middle -- black jacket, jeans -- reminds me of House. That is all.

Fangirls!! The audience!! Quite a few people left before the Q&A started, I'd say at least half.

You know, one of these days Gale is actually going to show up in my immediate vacinity and my plan will work, by god!

gale howard, movies: falling for grace, ree's most excellent adventures

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