Sep 20, 2004 12:46
LJ, you are playing keep-away with comment notifications again. You are like a man, making my lazy ass actually work for our relationship. No sex for you.
The Emmys. Wow. That was head-banging boring, now wasn't it? I remember when Gary Shandling used to be funny. But all worth it, just to see Jon Stewart/The Daily Show kick ass and my O.C. boys lookin' adorkable--albeit with a sidedish of queasy--for thirty seconds. And while WW didn't win Best Drama (which I sadly agree with; oh, Aaron, how I miss you), Allison Janney did and that just makes my girlcrush for her burn brighter. Not that I'm an awards whore. I loved her when she was a pink starfish. Ourloveisthatuniversal!
Also, apparently I need to see Angels in America. I hadn't even heard of it until last night. :|
It seems Tracy (of Big Q fame) and Justin shared an airplane ride to Hollywood, because I swear I saw the actress in a Lysol commercial the other day. Coming on the heels of seeing Jack Kinney in a TV-movie and actually hanging around for longer than advisable because I was waiting to see if he'd say anything remotely like "sonny boy", you can see where the QaF preoccupation comes into play.
I won't even go into the Daphne sighting.
tv: qaf