Jun 29, 2016 21:25
I'm very glad that I decided to get home from knitting group before dark. As I drove down the driveway, I saw that Pan had gotten stuck in the center field cattle panel fencing. I took off my sweater and pumps and put on muck boots and went out to wrestle Pan's head back through. Nothing doing. He was straining and pushing so far forward that he was choking himself worse. The technique of grabbing his beard and pulling to invoke a reverse reaction didn't work - he thought I was "helping" and pushed forward harder.
While digging for the unfortunately-hallucinated-rather-than-real bolt cutters, I called Achaosofkittens for some solution assistance. Solution 1: cut the panel with cross-cut cable snips, but probably not butch enough. Solution 2: use a pipe wrench to break the fence weld, but may not have enough leverage. Solution 3: jigsaw, risking goat neck next to power tools. Solution 4: sawzall, ditto.
Solution 1, plus a helluva lot of adrenalin and determination and wrist strength, won the day. Pan is free. My fingers are not smashed in the process. However, I have probably put my arm back three months in healing. So "dammit Pan" is going to be my new "ow!" for my right arm. Maybe by September...
And Achaosofkittens will be buying bolt-cutters on his way home tomorrow.