Long ago, Vvalkyri pointed me in the direction of
Kiva, a group out of San Francisco that helps fund microfinancing around the world. I like their partnership model, and I like their layout. No one can put all of their monetary eggs in one basket loan, so the risk (and joy of success) is shared among lenders.
Originally, I put in $100. That money has cycled through and come back to me a few times since I started, and today I just made my 12th loan. Six have been completely repaid. I don't make withdrawals (though I do make donations to Kiva's operating expenses), which means my money is coming back to me to be re-lent to the next person who applies for funding. I've made loans to a taxi driver, a farmer, a female mechanic in Bolivia, general stores, and grocery stores. Today, I made a loan to a beautician.
If anyone wants an invitation to Kiva, please let me know.