And so I had the strangest dream.

Jun 08, 2014 14:49

All I wanted was a thirty-minute nap, but it morphed into a two-hour, confusing adventure. I woke up in a daze because, while my dreams have never made sense, this one completely broke all boundaries of logic. LAWL.

Sorry in advance for my poor grammar. I literally just rolled out of bed and I wanted to pound this out before I forgot anything. And because I want to go about my day in peace -- If I don't get this out of my system before I start cleaning, I know it's going to nag at me.

The whole premise was to save Christmas. (Why am I dreaming about Christmas in the middle of summer?) Not quite Grinch-stole-Christmas style, but no one could find Santa and no one had seen him in years. Ever since Santa disappeared, the law demanded that parents secretly stow away all Christmas-y decorations -- trees, lights, ornaments -- so that children would never know what they were missing out on and be pained by it. The hope was that if a heroic team could find Santa and talk him out of his self-imposed retirement/exile, Christmas joy would be brought back to the children across the world.

And who made up this heroic team?

  • Poke'mon. The most important one I could remember was Pikachu, because who doesn't have a soft spot for Pikachu? (If you don't, please don't talk to me. You can't be human.) The other ones were all in the recent generations, so I don't know any of their names and I don't particular care to, partially because I've stopped playing the games years ago and partially because everyone knows the original generation was the ish. Actually, I take that back -- I don't even know if the other ones were in the newer generations. I may have made them all up in my head.
  • Hermione
  • Harry
  • Draco -- but not Draco. He looks nothing like Draco. This one had black-hair and eyes that would change from blue to red, depending on the Moon. Yup, for some reason, he had the powers of the Moon. Not in a Sailor Moon!Draco sort of way, although that would make great fodder for crack!fic. Now I'm sorely tempted to see him as the useless!Tuxedo Mask throwing roses and witticisms before vanishing into the night. Anyway, not sure what his powers entailed, but I kind of accepted it.
  • Other Christmas-y characters who missed Santa. Toy Elves, Gingerbread Men, Snowmen. (One Gingerbread Man got particularly close with Harry, in a cute way, but Draco didn't seem to be too pleased with that
  • One suspicious looking Toy Elf...and the gang should have known better, because he was the spitting image of King Candy from "Wreck-it-Ralph"!

Way deep into the dream now, it turns out that Santa didn't just vanish after all -- he was kidnapped! The whole crew finds an intimidating ice castle where Santa was rumored to be held captive. The whole gang slid down an ice luge and flung up in the air to break down the castle walls. All the Poke'mon use their powers, Harry and Hermione use their wands -- and then, alas, we witness Draco harness his Moon powers! He is revealed to be the son of the Moon Goddess and his sister (?) visits from the sky to give him a magical wolf helmet that transform him into battle mode ... a huge, white, fiery wolf! So then there was this funny image of Pikachu shocking Draco with his lightning bolt to give more power to BAMF!Draco's wolfy-flames and then the team breaks down the castle door. Yay!

Hermione, Harry and Gingerbread Man run in while the rest of the crew defends against enemies outside the castle walls. But sneaking behind them is the sneaky, sketchy King Candy!Toy Elf, who actually helped trap Santa there in the first place because he wanted the joy of Christmas for himself!

The trio (and King Candy!Toy Elf) descend down the castle, which is starting to look more and more like a regular home, with nice, comfy carpet, a Christmas tree, lights and holiday music playing everywhere.

They spot Santa, and Hermione throws herself at him to hug him, but then Santa just squeezes her butt with two hands. Turns out it was a fake. I woke up after Hermione slapped him.

And that's that. I have no words.

writing break, weird thoughts, just me, strange dreams

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