Title : The Bloodstained House
Author : Rachel Scondt a.k.a
reecheru Type : Chapters
Rating : PG
Gender : Romance, AU, Horro, Mystery, psychological, Supernatural
Cast :
1. Hey! Say! JUMP member
2. Keiko Kitagawa
3. Shoko Nakagawa
4. Mirai Shida
5. Nana Mizuki
6. Umika Kawashima
7. Rachel Suzuki
8. Rebecca Suzuki
Synopsis :
Hey! Say! JUMP member with staff go to make a video for next album with the background is a big and luxurios house in the middle of mountain. When they are stay in that house, many strange thing are happening. Like the furniture shakes all of a sudden, The walls make knocking noises even though there’s no one there, and the others. ‘Till JUMP staff ask help to “ Kitagawa Psychic Research (KPR) “ to investigate paranormal activity whom adden by 7 girl. And the days full with thiriling feel to uncover the truth of a strange accident is begin..