Yesterday's theme at
comment_fic was 27 word fills. Since they're not long enough to post on AO3, I thought I'd share them here :)
Flash, Barry Allen/+Any, I may be love's bitch, but at least I'm man enough to admit it (Barry/Iris)
"...I'm man enough to admit it!"
"Barry, you're drunk," Iris said, amused.
"Yeah, it's over." He shook his head, looking disappointed. "But I stand by my words!"
Any, M/F, wedding vows (Harry Potter, Hermione/Viktor)
"Ve do not haff to vrite our own vows," Viktor said soothingly.
"I will not be vowing to obey anyone," Hermione replied, glaring. "So yes, we do."
Any, any, the text that breaks his heart (Pitch, Ginny/Mike)
I'm done.
Mike stares at the text, uncomprehending. They'd just gotten together and Ginny's through with him already?
I can't play.
His heart breaks all over again.
Any, any, wings (Supernatural, Lucifer)
Lucifer feels his wings shred as he falls and beyond the pain, all he can feel is sadness. He was beautiful, once, and now he's only hated.
Supernatural, Dean and Sam Winchester, blind trust Dean's never had blind trust in Sam, not like he once had with dad. But maybe the trust they have is stronger, built that way by necessity.