Pointless NGE personality quiz babble~~~~~and stuff

Mar 30, 2008 11:50

Was going to make this post yesterday but I used up all my time rendering and then getting ready for a friend's birthday...

What Neon Genesis Evangelion character are you?

Hmmm, I really never expected to get Rei :/ I suppose this sounds like the me around my secondary school friends as, like I said before, I feel I can express myself much more naturally around my college friends. But the thing about "not letting anyone get close to you"...I always tell people a little too much information about myself, methinks :"D I like becoming close to people I feel a connection with...

Of course, I really wanted this guy:

What Neon Genesis Evangelion character are you?

X"33333333333333333 Kaworu-kuuuun, you are so very lovely :3 ...in the anime anyways ;__; No cat strangling there D:

You know, there was a stupid reason behind this impulse to suddenly take NGE personality tests >_> Yesterday while I was working I started to come to the realisation that perhaps one of my goals in life is to avoid confrontation ;__; Because really, I hate fighting with people and I feel I go along trying to avoid aggravation. So then I started comparing myself to Shinji Ikari ;_____; Because even though I liked Shinji, he really is portrayed as being pretty pathetic throughout most of the series. Especially in the freaking movie O__o I mean, next thing you know you're there screaming your head off while the apocalypse is happening around you and you're not doing anything to help the situation except have elaborately complex thoughts full of highly metaphorical symbols.

........um, anyways, I didn't really like the thought of ending up as something useless (like, not in the sense of the apocalypse but...the metaphor that's involved in that scene :"D), so I headed to the almighty Internet to see would I get Shinji...

And thankfully I didn't. Especially on this quiz...

What Neon Genesis Evangelion character are you?

O_______________o Jesus, if that isn't harsh (and blatantly bias) I don't know what is...

So yeah, I don't think that was such a good quiz based on answers like that.

So all in all, my insecurities drove me to taking anime character quizes online. This is what people who can't afford psychiatrist sessions do :D

ANYWAYS, today is the last day of the Easter holidays. And I've decided to take the day off, which is probably really stupid considering the two weeks of hecticness that are most probably ahead of me (essay, walkcycle, moooovieeeeee). But perhaps that's the reason why I've decided to take it easy. I know I won't get another day like this for a while.

Just to depress myself, I'm going to review my to-do list from a few weeks ago...

Stuff to do over Easter
*MOVIE MOVIE MOVIE MOVIE (animation and stills)-Stills FINISHED. Some animated parts still to be done. Most animated part FINISHED and nearly rendered. About halfway through altogther
*Film studies Essay (The Autuer theory)-Research nearly done. I need to watch "My Neighbour Totoro" today
*Visual Language Homework (25 (or more) small pictures representing one word)-DONE!!!!!!!
*Sidewalk and frontwalk cycle (finish)-I DID NOT EVEN GET AROUND TO TOUCHING IT DDDD: *PANICKS*
*Experimental animation homework (scratch-on-film)-Ended up not having to do this since the dealine's extended
*BIRTHDAY PICTURES!!!!!!!! DDDDD:-Got Lolly's done. Ylover's I'll get done today. Chiru, Bushra and LittleRee's may have to wait until May :/
*HOPEFULLY get some drawing for myself done, even just a little bit.-LOLWHUT!?!?1 8D
*Get on top of my DevART comments.-Ehhhhh...sorta
*Read most of the manga ~elderflower leant me.-Nowhere near most of X"D Poor Jenny, I've had her stuff for ages. I got a few volumes read. I'll be doing some serious bus reading between now and May because I feel so bad...

Hmmmm....I suppose what I'm most happy with is my movie's progress. Least happy with the non-progress of the walk cycle >___> Crap....

I guess I'm looking forward to going back to college tomorrow, I usually am :3 I'm looking forward to seeing everyone again. Not looking forward to the workload. And our results for our Cultural Studies essay and our last animation principles project DDDD:

Okay, I'm going to shut the hell up now and go get dressed and do something. Such a long entry...at least you won't see another one this legnth for a while with the craziness of the weeks ahead -__-

Ja-ne! <3

P.S. I joined the community thinkpositive30. Methinks I need it :"D

P.P.S. My tablet is officially on it way~<3

do nothing day, insecurities, evangelion, college, personality quiz, animation, to-do list

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