Fai and his lovely girlyboyness <3

Mar 18, 2008 21:59

This is what listening to Daft Punk at 2:30 am when already feeling mentally unhinged and acting on the energy supplied solely by hormones does to you:

It looks fugly

You know, slightly pervertedly (-___-') , I was really excited about getting this idea onto paper, but it really did not work out like I wanted. The sketch was going well and then I fecked up at the lineart stage. Plus this is my first proper Fai-san fanart ;3;

So I messed around with it on Photoshop a few minutes ago and it looks slightly better.

Ohh, fluffy...

Still debating whether to put it up on DevART or not...I think I might since I've got my address and all put on there...

I don't know what compelled me to draw Fai all "come hither" like that. I just got the idea while watching tv in my cousin's house the other night XD Perhaps it might be his irresistable slightly vunerable feminine girlyboy charm <3333333 Plus the fact that I'm absolutely obsessed with him right now X33333 I felt kinda bad after drawing him like that though, after all he's been through :,( But really, he was asking for it X3 But yeah, this'll be the first of a Fai/Tsubasa fanart bender methinks X"3

Um, I can't help but feel my inner pervert was present during that rambling ;__;

Another not very eventful day of Easter hols. Atleast I've started on my workload. Animated the day away really. Apart from when I went to the bank and then bought Katamari (still trying to figure it out but so far I like it X3). Then I came home and animated some more. That zoom in at the beginning of my animation is a bitch D: Ughhhh, buildings >_>

OH!!!! I finally bought a TABLET!!!!!! : DDDDD Well, kinda, the guy doesn't accept Paypal outside Canada so I need to sort that out >_> Dammit, it'll take longer to come now. It's the same as the ones they have at college...

Wacom Intous A4 Tablet

Also, while I was on eBay, I bought this

Edo badge!!

X3333333333 Waiiiiii~~~~~~I have waited so long to find a badge like this X3 But you know, Edo'd look lonely on his own so.....

Can't have one without the other....

X"3 But they're a pair!! I mean, you can't have Ed without Al. Plus they were only a fiver altogether inluding shipping :D <3

Hmm....listening to Air really does almost put you into a state of near comatose. I was listening to them while editing that Fai pic. Talkie Walkie is a masterpiece in chilloutedness. Mmmmm......<3

tsubasa, art, ebay luv, fai, boy whore xd, whoooo i'm floooating

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