tag and stuffs

Mar 08, 2008 22:39

Got this from sammy_chan's journal :3 It looks like fun...

Three Things You Want To Do Before You Die:
1.) Be recognised for something I've created (most preferably art wise)
2.) Travel and travel and travel.
3.) Find happiness.

Three Names You Go By:
1.) Rebecca
2.) Ree
3.) Becky

Three Screen Names You Have Had:
1.) artisoul (first proper screenname with Geocities XD)
2.) Ree-Ree (during my time at TheOtaku.com)
3.) art-lover-Ree (over on dA)

Three Physical Things You Like About Yourself:
1.) Ummmm....my hair :/
2.) Eyes, I suppose...
3.) ... I can't think of a third one...my legs look okay in high heels, I suppose ;_;

Three Parts Of Your Heritage:
1.) Irish
2.) ...uhhh, Irish? XD
3.) I heard before I might have French Jewish ancestors X"D I seriously need to do a family tree, I know nothing!

Three Things That Scare You:
1.) Flying
2.) Impending doom
3.) When my mum and sister fight

Three Of Your Everyday Essentials:
1.) Drawing
2.) Internet
3.) Music

Three Things You Are Wearing Right Now:
1.) Plain black skirt (that my transfer will hopefully soon be on...)
2.) Black Emily the Strange tee that was lost in my wardrobe for the past two weeks XD
3.) Black three-quarter length cardigan with three-quarter loose puffy sleeves.

Three Of Your Favorite Bands/Musical Artists:
1.) Air
2.) Telepopmusik
3.) Paul Van Dyk

Three Of Your Favorite Songs:
1.) "Beautiful World"-Utada Hikaru (I could NEVER get tired of this song)
2.) "Nothing But You"-Paul Van Dyk
3.) "Ten Seconds Before Sunrise"-Tiesto

Three Things You Want In A Relationship:
1.) You can talk to that person about more or less everything
2.) Random acts of kindness
3.) A friend and a lover, all in one.

Two Truths And A Lie (in no particular order):
1.) I really despise my hometown at times
2.) At school I felt completely comfortable while playing sports
3.) I can be really inwardly egotistical at times

Three Physical Things About The Preferred Sex That Appeal To You:
1.) Nice hair
2.) Nice eyes
3.) Nice physique (guys who are taller than me is kinda nice, but then again that's not too hard to find because I'm so small >_>)

Three Of Your Favorite Hobbies:
1.) Drawing
2.) Daydreaming
3.) Wandering the interwebs

Three Things You Want To Do Really Badly Right Now:
1.) Try and get some pics done
2.) Sing (I'm listening to Blondie but there's too many people in the room)
3.) Answer some comments =______=

Three Careers You're Considering/You've Considered:
1.) Comic artist
2.) Graphic artist
3.) Animator

Three Places You Want To Go On Vacation:
1.) Japan
2.) Australia
3.) Germany

Three Names You Like:
1.) Alphonse (no, it doesn't have everything to do with Aru :"D)
2.) Phoebe
3.) Eve

Three Ways That You Are Stereotypically A Girl:
1.) I love to dress up
2.) I like wearing skirts and dresses
3.) I secretly love romantic plotlines X3

Three Ways That You Are Stereotypically A Boy:
1.) I play video games
2.) I'm not really bothered with make-up
3.) I cannot STAND soap operas D:


Having not updated in a little while, I do have some bits and pieces to write in here :3 I gave blood for the first time EVAR this week :D My friend Kelley was giving for the first time also and she asked me to come along. So why not. It all went fine, even though I have a really big bruise ;_; And it is kinda strange to see a tube come out of your arm filled with red stuff. And then a bag filled with red stuff ;___; But I honestly did feel good after giving it :3 I actually felt oddly happy that night too, kind of like that time I was on steroids for that really bad chest infection O_____o Maybe I was drunk on water, I remember my fourth class teacher telling me that X"D I did drink over 3 pints that night :/ Hmmm...but I hope they can still use my blood, because I have a cough now. I told them about it anyways...

So yep, that was my good deed for Tuesday :D

Our animatics also got screened on Wednesday...infront of both first year classes, the second years AND the third years DDD: Holy Crap!!!! Overall, some of them were pretty hard to read, but others were excellent :3 Apparently mine got a good response. My lecturer thought my storyboards were "beautiful" ;___________________; Hm.....do you think I should post it up on YouTube, as kind of a preview to the movie, which I'm starting to animate tomorrow? Or just post it up when the movie is done, which I'm definitely posting anyway...?

I've also gradually become obsessed with CLAMP's Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles manga over the last few months (thanks to Quimmy and ~elderflower X3). I stayed up till 3:00 am reading it last night and now I'm up to date with Japan XD I honestly didn't think I'd reach that point with a manga other than FMA X3 BUT OH GOD I LOVE FAI~~~~~~X333333333 Have been fangasming over him the past few days, along with ~KsienzaLee and ~elderflower X3333333333 He's just absolutely lovely, even after the frickin' angst attack in the middle. You'd never know at the beginning of the manga that he had such a horrifically tragic past ;__; Jesus...I kinda wish he'd cut his hair again though. It's getting a bit too long for my liking :/ But yush, Fai = <333333

Um, have a few photos and doodley bits and pieces to post but I have niether my scanner or the cable for my phone/camera so hopefully I might do that tomorrow night...

Anyone want to try out this Fai wallpaper I made last night? :D If you wanna use it, please say so and I'll resize it for you since it's made for widescreen:



tsubasa, animaton, meme, college, blood donating a.k.a. the vampires final, wallpaper, fai d. florite, manga

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