Crazy lady and crazy stuff happening to me!

Mar 22, 2013 14:58

I've been meaning to post about this woman I see on my way to work most mornings as she freaks me out a little.
In the mornings there are two trains I can catch - the 7:38 and the 7:42. If I catch the first one I always see this lady walking along to the bus stop right near my school. If I see her early enough I get to see her singing to herself while she has headphones on as she gestures rather grandly with the hand not holding the bag. It's the bag that has made me call her crazy lady in my head. In her bag she has a picture of some Japanese star on a piece of cardboard. It's not always the same picture but its always the same woman in the pictures. The style of the woman in the picture looks like she was probably big in the 90s and I would imagine that my crazy lady has had a fixation on her since then. She's probably a singer and that's why she's always listening to music and singing along and making actions like she's on stage or on camera. Crazy lady is pretty crazy but seems harmless which is good cause I watch waaaaaay too much Criminal Minds and can just see her being a stalker and probably killing this woman in the pictures... *imagination is way overactive...*

The crazy thing that happened to me goes like this. Back at the start of January I got a phone call from one of the two people that are "in charge" of us ALT teachers (they are also foreigners...). After the usual niceties I get asked if I would be willing to apply for a Ward Leader position. Ok a Ward Leader is someone that is in "charge" of their ward - all the schools are broken up into ward areas - and the person in charge is basically just someone that people can go to to ask all those stupid little questions that they shouldn't bother the overlords with, and other stuff... XD
In reply to this question I was like " I don't really know what a Ward Leader does..." To which she explained a bit and the long and short of it is that I said I would think about it and could she please send me the info again. I heard nothing back. This made me think I was safe, how foolish I was.... XD Because when I said please send me the info what I meant was " no thanks!" because this Ward Leader position means more work with no extra pay.

I eventually found the email that had originally been sent about the positions and read thru it. It said please apply in writing and then mention it in your interview. I did neither of these. You can understand I felt safe in the knowledge it was not going to be me.
And then ON MY BIRTHDAY I find an envelope on my desk. Thinking innocent thoughts that it would be paperwork on my school for April I opened it fearlessly, even impatiently! Sitting on the top I see these words

"We would like to offer you the position of
Ward Team Leader
for the ( ) Ward Team"

Seriously what it this craziness??? T_T

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