Jan 22, 2007 17:25
Went in to my office for the first time this semester today. Picked up my teaching evaluations from last semester (they liked me! they really liked me! *squee*), checked in with my advisor (who plans to read my thesis "this week, definitely," making it unlikely I get to defend before TribalCon *boo, hiss*), and had a series of questionable interpersonal interactions.
From SnottyGirl: "I really like your eye make-up. It makes you look very nice." (This was questionable because my sum total make-up regimen at the moment is a) eyeliner, b) one swipe of mascara. Would that 35 seconds in the morning really have that effect?).
From Girl-I-Like: "Nice to see you! You look really different!"
Me: "Thank you."
<-- This one was actually very funny. I could tell from the tone it was meant as a compliment, so took it as one (I like her, and am willing to cut her some slack), then she sort of boggled over having said "You look really different." She did the "I mean...." thing a couple times, but couldn't seem to figure out what she meant. Ah, Mondays in December.
I also mailed my bookmooch books, took a three hours stats class, and joined the gym. I think I will make my inaugural gym visit tomorrow, since I have dance tonight.
I created four to-do lists for this semester (Thesis Prep - what I have to do to prepare for my defense, School - leaping the hurdles to gradumutation and getting into the PhD program, What Next - job search & prep, and SEM - the assignments for the class I am taking), and need to make my waiting-for-the-other-shoe-to-drop time count this week. It is hard to focus, knowing that I could get her feedback at any moment and have to change mental gears in a frenzy, but there is plenty of other work out there to consume my time, and I need to start clicking through it.
psyc dept,
ate soup,
statistics. sem,
being a student,