(no subject)

Jul 31, 2006 18:23

Yesterday was a bad day.

I had a bad attitude.

My hipboots leaked, despite the patching I did.

I managed to get my foot stuck in the weir, which hurt.  And I couldn't get it out, so I had to sit down - in the middle of the river - and take the boot off to get free.  Then it took me several minutes of tugging to extract the boot, which was completely full of water.  Didn't matter much though, since having sat down in the middle of the river none of me was dry.

I branded a line into my left thumb, trying to get our stupid coffeepot off the stove.

And, later on, I was wearing my chest waders and drying my boots.  The waders are a pain to get in and out of and sort of clumsy-making, and I managed to step on a slippery boulder and fall-down-go-boom.  The lucky bit was that I didn't manage to break my right wrist, but the palm of my right hand, where the wrist and palm meet below the thumb, has a blue indent.  And my right thigh looks like someone hit me with a baseball bat.  It is truly a remarkable bruise - it looks like the special effects crew spent half an hour on me getting that perfect fade from black to blue, with the vein visible and a hefty, swollen redness underlying the whole thing.  If I can figure out how to get a picture of it (which is not a picture of my butt) I may even show it to you - I think it is actually sort of cool (in an, 'if I had my druthers I wouldn't have done it' sort of way).

Today has been sort of better. I sent out an email giving people my new address and my mom sent back a message that said, "I miss you already, and you are still here."  That is sort of how I feel too - I know it is silly but I miss my life here, already.  I am going to take Wednesday, after I get off work, to do a little prep (mail myself another box or two, figure out what goes and what stays) for departure and then take my very own best-of-Homer tour and sort of take my leave for another year.  My heart is here, and not with any person.  It is here with the waves crashing, eagles soaring, and mountains jutting above a peaceful little town full of Shiverring Gypsies, brisket sandwiches, and joy. I will be back.

homer, bruise, social life, weir, summer, moods, rant

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