Nov 12, 2006 17:56
last night was SO fun..... Rider had it's first basketball game of the season. We played Wilkes? yeah who the fuck are they... anyways we won, which was absolutely awesome... but we kicked their ass... 96-52... HOW EFFIN GREAT IS THAT!?!!! yeah we really kicked their ass. im happy that we finally have something to look forward to. we were all mad cuz rutgers had a football game and they won and we knew that there would be something going on.... well they dont need a football game to have something going on, because there is always something going on at rutgers... on the other hand our school sucks... this fuckin weekend was dead. how lammmmeeeee is that? so we found a party off campus... these girls threw a 3 kegger party. girls?! yeah right. how weird is that... girls dont throw parties.... but it was AWESOME. and then the cops came around 1ish.... the cop comes inside and says there was a car backing out of the driveway that hit a silver stratus and they need to know whose car it was.... so when the ladies of the house tried to get people to shut up so they could ask, the cop was like "well we are really here for a noise complaint so you all better get the fuck out of here before i start IDing everyone, have a goodnight, it's over, and have a sober drive home" and everyone was holding cups of beer... thats weird, but at least the cop was cool.
thats my story of the day, hah. yeah. anyways this past week has been somewhat warm, for me to handle, which is good... but yesterday was absolutely amazing... it was like 75 degrees all day and i was able to wear a tank top all day long. that made me happy for awhile but i know the cold weather is coming soon... it's funny because i used to take warm weather for granted but since i've been up here i cling on to every warm day we have like warm weather isn't going to exist anymore.... hahaha that sounds lame. oh well. i cant wait... next weekend im finally going to see Angels and Airwaves in concert! i am SUPER excited about that because im absolutely obssessed with Tom Delonge. he is my favorite person in the world. hahaha. once again, lame. and then 2 weeks is thanksgiving and my dad is coming up to NJ... im excited about that because i havent seen him in 3 months and if i had to do thanksgiving with just my mom... well it would be a quiet one, haha. i love my mom, but we dont really know what to talk about.... and im having dinner with danielle, my bff from preschool hah, and her family... so for once in a long time there is going to be a lot of people at thanksgiving dinner which makes me happy. I LOVE THE HOLIDAYS. IM OBSSESSED... CANT WAIT FOR CHRISTMAS.
except that is going to be rough. im going to florida on december 15th, but my parents sold our house :( yeah it's really sad... im not happy about that AT ALL. but move out date is december 28th which is good, cuz i will get to be in my house for a couple weeks before it's no longer my house. but it sucks that its right around the holidays.... thats how it was when i moved from my house in Branchburg to Somerville. It was right after thanksgiving and in the beginning of december we moved. yeah tell me that doesn't suck.
all i have to say is I FUCKING LOVE FLORIDA. hahhaahaha. yeah. the end.