Apr 12, 2010 09:09
It's the last week before the tax deadline of April 15th, and I'm ready for a break. It's been a new experience for me working 50 hour weeks for the last month. I think I've been handling it well, though it has been straining when I feel like I haven't had any free time to myself for a while. I took the day yesterday to clean the house, which was a nice cathartic recharge and outlet for my manic need to get *something* done.
I'm really liking my job and finding it's really not so bad as a full-time shindig. My only problem is that although I *like* my job, I'm just not passionate about it. This really isn't a problem per se - I don't mind getting day to day tasks done, and I'm pretty good at what I set my mind to. But at the end of the day, I'm just ticking off check-boxes and waiting until I can go home to do what I really enjoy. I think the hardest part is just being around people all day who *are* passionate about it. As much as I know I don't really care, it does make me feel guilty for not being as fired up. But it's been a good kind of self-check of what really matters to me. In the midst of all this tax work, all I can think about is making fursuits. It's not enough to make me want to quit or anything - paychecks ROCK, but it has been making me value the free time I do have, an envision a future where I can work on taxes part time and delve into other projects to make up the rest.
Anyways, I've been pretty out of the loop in the last few months (moreso that usual anyways), and I'm looking forward to getting online more and getting back in touch with the rest of my furry family.
Oh, and I've always hated LJ shout-outs to visiting friends (because it makes me jealous when I read of other people's good times without me), but I do wanna give a huzzah to Rayce, Lumi, Brigus and Bevin for visiting in the last few weeks and making some hectic times much, much more chill. Thanks y'all :)