Dec 03, 2007 17:41
So I was reading a recent article about organic foods...And it made me laugh...and not in a good way.
In the past 6 years there have been studies put out saying that organically grown produce and dairy products made with milk from hormone-free cows had no real benefit when compared to non-organic food/dairy. However this year, in Britain, new studies have shown that organic foods are somewhere between 50%-80% more beneficial and contain a greater percentage of vitamins, desireable fatty acids and other things that are essential to being a healthy human. It made me really ill to think that for years now we've all been sucking down pesticides and fertilizers and really unnatural stuff. I remember being a kid and hearing the word pesticide...I wrinkled my nose and just thought to myself "that doesn't seem right" and wondered why we used them. Jump to the present day and I still wonder why we use them. I wish I could afford more organic foods but unfortunately they're still a bit too overpriced. And I want to know exactly what justifies a higher cost? Because some is lost to pests? bah - small price to pay for keeping the world in better health...But let's not forget that all anyone ever thinks about anymore is money and more money.
The "Green Revolution" is upon us - but I fear it will still be a long time before it catches on with ALL the big corporations and the prices become comparable.
"The waves suck you in and you down..." -Deftones