Will Smith says it best...

Dec 06, 2004 16:10

Parents just don't understand...but
Senior banquet was Saturday and was actually okay. So, the food wasn't amazing, and the slide show and awards turned out to be par, but the dance part and just chillin with all our senior friends was the best. I think it was the first time we'd all been together like that, and it was nice to know pretty much everybody.
Then we decided to go to suzanne's. Surprising right? It was weird at first cause we were worried we wouldn't really fit in, but after we got there and was hangin' around with everyone, we realized that people really wanted us there. It's nice to feel wanted and that you fit in. There's a first for everything right? But NO we were good kids and didn't do anything....it was a close call though. :)
Sunday stayed at raquel's house, then went to ton's, then work...blah, But manders was there so it wasn't particularly menotonous.
Today was okay at school, but got home and my mom yelled at me for hating life. She got so frustrated over supposedly, christmas presents, but used it as a segway into every other issue she has againtst me. It sucked to say the least. Now she thinks i have a problem, and need to see like a psychiatrist and its ridiculous; its too bad she can't realize the only reason im upset is because of her. I want to be able to go out with friends and not have to worry about her calling and what not, but im not asking for her to let me do ANYTHING i want. Im smarter than that, but just want a little more freedom. She always gives me this speech about how im SO fortunate cause i have all these material things, but if only she knew i'd trade them all to be able to go and chill with friends, no strings attatched.
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