Happy 1st Anniversary!!

Jul 19, 2015 08:55

I love my husband.

What else is there to say? I rarely feel that unconditional love from someone (not that it's not there), but from him, I feel it, deep down. And I would marry him over and over and over again. It's not easy, but it's worth it. I just cannot picture life without him anymore, and that's such a weird thing, but wow.

His business is growing like an avalanche, literally, and one of the best things about it is Alex, one of my amazing students, is gonna be his personal assistant. Look what she brought me this morning -

Funny cause the first thing she said is "You're not supposed to be up!" Hahah, well, you take home the puppy :) I had rolled out of bed 10 minutes beforehand and gotten the monsterlabrador outside before the potty in the crate (yay me!), and was strolling around the yard all bleary eyed ready to crawl back into bed. But damn, he always does good .. love the flowers and can you see the necklace? Jennifer, a family friend, made it (she's uber talented, it's kinda disgusting!). And all of my special hyper-sensitive-skin-needs and whatnot, I've never really gotten to wear jewelry, but she's got the perfect eye for things I would love and not break out in hives with, and this, *love*.

Our wedding day truly was amazing, and after hearing so many horror stories, I was a bit unsure of what to expect and terrified of being the bridezilla. I was very hands off with the wedding to begin with - girly entertaining things is so not me - but damn, DAMN, it could not have been better.

And I don't understand why I get to be a part of so much wonderfulness, but here I am. Surrounded by people and experiences of a lifetime.

So much gratitude for the love and wonderfulness Travis has brought into my life. I love him more every day.


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