I was asked about teaching rear foot awareness and teaching the puppies how to target with their rear feet. I couldn't think of an answer without actually working them, and realized, I teach them all a good "4 feet on" objects and "2o2o" before I worry about targeting with rear feet. For me, it has been helpful in teaching them to move with all of their feet and not defaulting into sits and downs.
In any case, I have been meaning to use Peach's puppy hood to make more videos for my students of breaking down behaviors, so this was a great opportunity. Ghost's mom Leslie is at the beach today, so both Peach and Ghost got to be video students, and they were both awesome.
Shaping for = any behaviors with the balance disc, eventually looking for 2 feet on, 4 feet on, 2o2o
Prop = large balance disc, upside down (Ghost doesn't like the bumps)
Treats = cheese and natural balance
*There are lots of notes throughout the video for my students ;) *
It was interesting to watch their different ways of progressing forward. Peach very much gets stuck in her sits. She is super thoughtful, but once she knew what I was looking for, she was fast to offer. Ghost gets a bit vocal and demanding of the treats, but once she realized she could earn them, she was eager to play. Ghost had a nicer tug and play drive after our session was over. It would be easy to give into Peach requesting to play with the disc for food, but I really want her to work for tug or food, so it looks like I will have to keep tug a high priority for her. No biggie, just an observation :)
These puppies are so fun - I love their focus, thoughtfulness, and ability to ignore distractions (I would just like it on record that Peach screamed in the xpen for half the time that Ghost did when it wasn't her turn ;) ).
Peach -
round 1 - front feet on, four feet on
Peach - round 2 - four feet on, 2o2o
Click to view
Ghost -
round 1 - front feet on, four feet on
Ghost -
round 2 - four feet on, 2o2o