Killing in the name of

Sep 26, 2007 13:06

I would like the apathetic, clueless, naive, soon to be bound for the slaugherhouse fucks out there to tell me something.  What I want to know is how in the hell you can not have an opinion on the deaths of nearly a million civilians.  Is this a moral concept that is difficult to wrap your mind around?  When you hear we've killed nearly a million non combatants, that in the course of an illegal INVASION we have murdered housewives and children in massive numbers, you can't decide whether or not you think that's good or bad?

Hey, what do you think about murdering a million people?  Hmmmm......Hmmmmmm......Hmmmmmm...Let me get back to you on that.

This isn't really a fuzzy or difficult to comprehend issue.  What this is simply is genocide.  If you think that's hyperbole now then wait ten years and see if you still think it's a joke.  Are you thinking that's just the nature of war?  I'll tell you something about how I define war.  When one side has lost several thousand people, and the other has lost several hundreds of thousands of people, when the death count for the enemy is more than 200 times your own, that's not a war, that's a systematic eradication of one group of people by another.

Sure they kill themselves, often with weapons and training we provided.  In addition we operate false flag operations on a smaller scale than at home to turn groups against one another and escalate violence.  We know that the easiest way to depopulate a region is to get those in the region to kill each other, and its a policy we often utilize not just in war, but in foreign nations where we don't want military entanglement.  Of course, it's just easier to say they're a violent people, that it's in their history and their blood.  Which is pretty fucking funny coming from us.  It's easier just like it was easier to say black people had deficient savage brains, and that they only counted as 3/5ths of a person than to challenge the state sponsored tradition of enslaving human beings to do the work of wealthy white assholes.

We have carpeted their country in cluster bombs and uranium.  The cluster bombs will remain buried and unexploded for decades to come, until of course some kid picks one up thinking its a toy, and the uranium will practically always be there.  This region, if it hasn't happened already, will eventually become completely uninhabitable for human life.

That being said, if you aren't a hopelessly brain dead Britney obsessed reality television watching imbecile.  If you can, within the depths of your dusty and misused brain, summon sufficient cognitive thought to understand the relatively simple moral concept that killing hundreds of thousands of innocent people is wrong, then why in the fuck aren't you doing anything about it?  Why aren't you talking about it?  Why aren't you writing your media, your congressman, protesting, writing, spreading the word in some way, shape, or form?

Every person out there who knows this is wrong and remains silent is just another person condoning murder.  If you are not part of the problem than for GOD'S SAKE START BECOMING PART OF THE SOLUTION!

Throw that goddamn idiot box out the nearest fucking window, or at least cancel your cable subscription.  Start looking shit up, watch some documentaries, read a fucking book.  Stop being lazy self obsessed cretins and start being good citizens, not just of America, but of the world.  Don't think for a second that the housewife in Baghdad that has a bomb dropped on her house is any different from a housewife in Minnesota, other than the fact that the housewife in Baghdad probably has a much better concept of what's going on in the world around her.

If you don't start waking up soon, then eventually there'll be nothing left to wake up to.  You will be nothing more than slaves in the land your father's built, your hands covered in the blood of the innocent.

genocide, iraq, terror, war, death, slaughter

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