So today was the premier of season 25 of Survivor and I'm actually pretty excited for this season. For one, there's no obnoxious douchebag returnees that have played multiple times. There's still returnees, but at least these three make sense with their evacuee theme. I've always liked Mike and Jonathan (didn't really think one way or the other with Swan) so I'm glad they're back to finish what they started. Jonathan has always been the only player I wanted to see a third time since he was taken out in such a bitch way in Micronesia. Anyway this season looks promising with the three tribes so hopefully there won't be another boring pagonging like the last three seasons. I'm also happy that one of Jeff's boytoy faves got voted out in the first episode.
Tonight was also the finale of Big Brother which I decided to watch. I've never watched Big Brother before but I decided to watch the first episode this season. I wasn't too thrilled so I didn't continue watching but for some reason I kept up with what was going on by reading the recaps on Wikipedia. Apparently Big Brother is even more obviously influenced by the producers than Survivor so I was really happy that Ian won since it went against their wishes by having one of the four returning house guests win. Still, not going to stick with it, I don't have time for a three day a week commitment.
In honor of the new season, today's song is the original theme to Survivor, the one they played during Borneo. I remember I was obsessed with this intro back when Borneo was first airing.
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