Jeez its been awhile lol

Sep 24, 2004 22:01

OMG guys I completely forgot about this gay journal thing lol so I decided since I have nothin else to do I'd post in it for once. I've been really busy since schools started with homework (of course lol..theres no way of escaping that), babysitting, guitar, and of course orchestra. that's going great by the way. thanks for asking. i need to suggest to mr. beard that the chamber orchestra get hoodies. i mean come on drumline gets hoodies..why cant chamber? lol yeah and besides all that i have symphony rehersals mondays and i have chair rehersals comin up and a concert in a month and we're playing in the pit for South Pacific. and i'm still trying to keep a social life lol so i've barely been home the past 3 weeks or so.
this weekend has been awesome so far, last night was the homecoming game and after that a bunch of people went to andrews house and hung out for awhile, and meghans mom was supposed to come get us at kettering at 11, and we went to andrews house at 10 so we decided to call to tell her that we were there, and we couldnt get ahold of her so finally after we left like 20 messages megs mom came to get us at 11:30ish and then i went home and fell right asleep. what a lovely day. then this morning i woke up, read a little bit cuz i'm a nerd in that way, then i went out to somorset with my great aunt and 2 and a half month old cousin...that was an experience lol. tomorrow i'm going to that same cousins baptism, and hopefully getting some practicing in on my 2 main instruments lol. i'm such a musical nerd...but whatever. i'm lovin it that way lol. tonight is homecoming but i'm so cool that they wouldnt let me in....just kidding. i didnt wanna go. so i didnt. and yeah anyways this is pretty long and i'm tired anyway so BYEEEEEE
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