Im so sick of Everything
Im sick of girl one min. acting like they want to be with you
and the next acting like they want nothing to do with you
Sick of people promising me shit and not keeping there fuckin promise
Sick of people saying I fuck everyone I come in contact with
Sick of People at Dakota and Chippawa's Shit
Im sick of going girl, to girl
Im sick of feeling empty
Im sick of Everything!
My Band, Is the only thing im not sick of!
Dont Play Games With Me, Im Feed Up With It, I Will No Longer Talk To You If You Dont FUCKIN STOP!
And I miss you (Not The Same Person, you will never know who I miss)
So Any Ways, On A happier note, I was at work today, and All I hear from the back is, That house is on fire, So everyone rushs to the back, The house behind McDonalds was on fire, Not a little one, The whole fuckin house, Flames coming out all the windows and everything, It was amazing, Luckly no one has lived the for...ever, and Apperintly im the only mother fucker who saw the 2 men standing outside the fuckin house b4 the fire, So im the only whitness! Wonderfull lol! Grrrrr!
So Apperintly someone told me I suck at guitar and should go kill myself, listen and tell me what you think.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m7Ml5y9tsjw Thanx