(no subject)

Feb 04, 2009 09:59

Tuesday : Well my hearing test results are in. I can hear just fine and your all MUMBLERS! However the test on my actual ear drums is a diff story. They are not flexible. I was thanked by both nurse and Doc for wearing ear plugs when on the gun range and while messing with cannons! So suspected fliud imbalance behind teh ar drum which would certainly cause vertigo. Treatable with ear tubes. We shall see what the ENT specialist

Wednesday: MRI clean.  Evrything coming up clean. Could be a form of migrain vertigo or cervical vertigo which would go back to my neck. Meneirs is not totaly ruled out but unlikely. ENT can't find anything and can offer no help on the ear ringing. He doesnt care for the anti dep I am on. Told me to maintain Chiro care if it helps and next episode get to the closest ER or Urgent Care and have my eyes looked at?

I understand this is a process of elimination but i woudllike some answers so i can move on. or just plain move!
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