Sep 04, 2005 17:10
So thing to do is look back on the summer and write some meaningful entry about our lives changing and how close we have grown over the course of 3 months. We then tend to top it off with a song that has the word 'summer' somewhere in it to make the thing seem complete...half the time, people don't even know what the song they pick has to deal with.
That my friends seems rather foolish.
You can't sum up three months by saying it 'was the best ever'...You can't write some meaningful paragraph based on costume parties and humid weather. You shouldn't say anything about love in any tense...we don't know it...We won't.
Scientist say that on average, teenagers aren't even 100 percent positive on sexual preference until age 21...and that so called 'love' experiences taken place during the ages of 13 through 21 ( 18-21 ends puberty) are simply existant based on sexaul intercourse and lust to meet hormonal issues.
Late nights with that somone or long stares at each other...are infact moments of need based on attatchment, not devotion or dedication.
I hate to be a bummer...but no one wants to say anything about the truth.
First of all the human brain is not fully developed until age 20, thus, love (being thought based on care) is hereby not a known nervous pattern until 1-2 years after age 20. Our minds now are considered works in progress and sleep is the only time scientist say we actually process learned activities during a days course.
Another point I would like to crap on is the whole friendship forever bit.
To be frank, this whole summer I've been excluded by the people I've tried to get close with. I hold a party for practically everyone. In exchange, I've spen the past 3 nights at home by myself.
I guess no one grew to like Matt this summer.
In other news...No one has called me today and I'm really one has returned calls either.
Chances for having one last night of fun for Matt- Slim to none.
Chances of anyone giving a damn- Slim again.