Aug 20, 2005 01:39
First things first...I need your help.
I can't yet decide if I want to change the layout/look of my journal. My current journal look (dubbed 'Sinatra') is starting to wear on me, but part of me is still enjoying it. I concluded that I would play around with a test journal to see what I could pull out of my ass for changes. I like what I've done (dubbed 'HP Goblet') over at my test journal: . Do me a dear favor and vote on which one you like best in my comments...
'HP Goblet' or 'Sinatra.'
Secondly...Tonight I saw RED EYE (it's caps in the film too...odd) and I must admit...It was good. Cillian Murphy is indeed a scary man when it comes to playing...scary men. He made it well worth it...that, and it did help that Rachel McAdams was in it.
Anyway, It was an enjoyable movie...not so much scary as in thrilling. One part made lots of people Jump and 'O.M.G.' rather loudly and openly. I laughed? What was that...The Experience, reminded me of seeing 'Signs', how full that theater we all screamed at the stupid stuff...everyone.
Actually...RED EYE is like the movie Nick of Time with Johnny Depp...same concept. Both spaztic with hype...'What happens next!?' you think bitting your nails. I like that feeling. Planning things out...then not even knowing.
Tonight Ralph Fiennes was on Leno...He's going to play Voldemort...he seems so shy and peaceful. I can't wait to see him go Avada Kadavra...well...then again. He was the phsyco killer guy in Red Dragon...So maybe not too peaceful.
Wow, I'm talking about Movies and such like crazy.'s almost 2 in the morning.
Wow...I feel lonely.
::Cricket, Cricket::
I'm gonna go read now.