Nov 04, 2009 23:41

[Alfred can be seen moping about, thanks to Fin's dumping him. There's no post to comment on, but feel free to run into him emoing in person.]

((ooc: Basically I'm still on hiatus, but I hate backdating, so this is a placeholder. I may or may not be responding to tags though I probably will because it's a compulsion

Oh, and since quiddy is up, I can finally say: everyone on the team got a pep talk in the locker room after the match about how awesome they did, how it was only a lucky break that Slytherin got the snitch, and how next time they're gonna score so many points that it won't matter who catches it and pfft why is Alfred the only nice captain.))

manly men like manly sports, wish they all could be california girls, there's no crying in baseball, my life is so hard, why do you hate america

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