Feb 05, 2008 15:39
My God, I think I'm going to pass out.
At Rin's clinic. Have been for the past several weeks. Sorry for not telling anyone, I realize now that I should've been prepared to be gone this long but my God I had no idea it would get this bad.
Haven't slept much. Death rate keeps climbing. We can't do anything, everything just prolongs what seems to be the inevitable and maybe it's just me but if I see too many more people die I think I'm going to go insane. I'm really, really worried that Rin is going to get sick, but I can't make her sleep because I can't sleep and I know that if I try it'll just be more fucking screaming and I know that that's why she won't either.
Low on supplies, no more shipments in sight, too many patients to handle, too large a quarantine to be safe. No sleep, no time, no medicine, I don't know who we think we're fooling but my God it's just so awful, I can't even tell you.
Don't go outside. Don't talk to anyone, don't do anything, any of you, just stay inside. Stay inside and think and sleep and eat and pray and don't get sick.
My God, I swear I don't even know what to do anymore.
[E D I T;]
Uh, shit, I just figured out I failed to specify this: not sick. Haven't shown any of the signs of being sick. Been showing the signs of someone working their ass off and not getting anywhere? but otherwise I'm fine. Fuck, I can type n/n.
fines fas