Nov 22, 2004 22:30
Nah, it's just really twisted.
Okay, before I go on, many people reading this won't approve. What I'm doing is wrong on many levels, but as far as I'm concerned, we're just having a bit of fun. No-one's going to find out - I'm not even using his name here - so no-one's going to get hurt. I've played this game before and I know all the rules, if it looks like he's not playing by them then I can walk away. If it feels like I'm getting too involved then I'll walk away. And in the end, I'm going to New Zealand (no I haven't got the application form yet, but how's that for confidence, and a get-out clause) and that's a fuck of a long walk away. If no-one knows, they can't get hurt. If he's dumb enough to get found out, then I'll walk away and let him sort the shit out, he knows what he's got to lose, and he's big enough to make his own decisions. Oh, and he did the chasing. I don't see this as a permanent thing, just a bit of entertainment to while away the time till I find someone better, and single.
Well Mr Married isn't a bad snog, as I found out in the brew room this afternoon. I knew getting into this kind of thing actually at work is pretty risky, but that's part of the fun I guess. He's easy to tease too. And he knows I'm going to watch the Green team play rugby against Solihull Police on Wednesday with the intention of having a couple of beers, a bloody good laugh and maybe picking up a hot rugby-playing copper, if there's any about. It'll be amusing to see if he gets jealous if I do pull, 'cause he can say shit to me, seeing as he's married and copping off with me on the side. (Hey I did say twisted at the top, didn't I?)
Mr Married is, however (and this probably ain't a shock) a bit of a bastard. His wife lost the baby last week. She was only 7 weeks gone, so I'm surprised he told me she was pregnant anyway, but it's still a bit of a gut-wrencher for them. They're going to keep trying though. And he's going to keep playing with me. Yes, it's a bit of a fucker that I know he's having sex with his wife, isn't the bit on the side supposed to make up for what you ain't getting at home? But what the hell, he's only to tide me over anyway.