I thought I'd update this thing. Now look, don't expect me to do it regularly, Hell you know me better than that, but there's actually something like news, so I thought I'd tell ya.
As some of you are already aware, I've been looking to find an excuse to move up to County Durham, specifically the area around Barnard Castle, which is where my dad lives. Well a few months back the local prison, Deerbolt (a Young Offenders Institute) advertised for level transfers. Unfortunately they were only accepting applicants from North East, North West and Yorkshire & Humber regions. I work in West Mids region. But I can apply through the external campaign. Which is basically re-applying for the job, going through the same selection process as those folks who've never been near a jail. And for those of you who remember when I went through the process first time round, it takes months. I do have another option: a level transfer on compassionate grounds. As dad's looking after antiquated granddad and has other stuff going on I've said I'm needed for practical and emotion support & it's costing me a bundle to travel up there regularly. It's all true, so I'm not completely blagging. I've got a letter backing my application from the regional Staff Care & Welfare rep and my Governing Governor has said he'll back the move & release me four weeks from Deerbolt saying they'll take me. Deerbolt's Governor has passed the paperwork on to her HR department, who has had a meeting with the NE regional HR Manager, and I'm just waiting for the result of that.
I have accomodation sorted already, dad's put a holding deposit on a cute little 2-bed cottage in his village:
The village is in Teesdale, not far from the Pennines, Durham and about 1.5hours from Whitby. It will be available as a pre-Whitby warm-up, post-Whitby detox or during-Whitby alternative, as well as a weekend away location. Oh and here's the view from the bedrooms:
So it's all groovy. The only blot on an otherwise excellent landscape is the shit-tip that is my house that I need to tidy up and clear out. (Hence this entry's user-pic.)