Ah! No, I'm not teh ded!
I've been mostly spending time with my bf. It makes it difficult to do things when he's tired from having an ever-shifting work schedual. :/ I apologise to everyone who's missing me. :)
Atleast ~my~ friends aren't calling ~Kenny~ a sex toy and aren't upset when he's around with me. Unlike one of Kenny's so-called friends. :/ It really bugs me a lot for some reason, eventhough logically I know it was mostly said because the guy is missing Kenny and blames me for it. Ah well. No matter :: Shrugs :: He's distanced himself from Kenny anyway. ( which indeed makes me a little sad, I hate when people lose friends. :/ )
Also: I went to eye doctor finally ( I've not been to one is about 6 years ) and got contacts. :D So far I'm liking them, though I need drops as they tend to feel ~really~ dry ( my eyes are natually inclined to feel dry and irritated, so I can mostly ignore it anyway )
Aaaand. . . I'm so boring nothing else is up. *L*
Oh! and checks these out:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5sMLpiO4dwo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C11ftLeMjlwBoth of which can also be found on Yahoo! Music, which may be higher quality, but I unno how to link directly to videos on it.