So A QuickUpdate

Nov 15, 2014 17:39

Let's see. Where did I leave off>

Carvis's grandmother died a few days before Halloween. We were expecting the call for a few days before it finally came and she died peacefully early in the morning. So, that wait is over.

Hi father's been having an allergic reaction to the medication he got put on and has ended up in the hospital a couple of times. Currently he's in until they get the stuff cleared out of his system. Not something he's happy about or anyone else.

I ended up going in myself for part of a day. I finally went for my blood work and my magnesium level was so low it almost wasn't there. So in I went for some emergency IV and pill treatment. My potassium and hemoglobin are also low and I'm supposed to be taking pills for the potassium and magnesium over the weekend. However, I keep trying to throw up the potassium pills so that isn't working. I will have to call my doctor on Monday and find out what she wants me to do next - probably go back and check my blood for one thing.

I didn't realize I was in a depression for the past few months. I was fooling myself into thinking I was simply skirting the edges and bouncing back from the edges of one when I was really sliding deeper into one. On Tuesday, I snapped out of it. Literally. I heard some Christmas music from a link on oe of the sites I was visiting and something just snapped inside, pulling me back into place. I looked at what I had been doing to myself and went as soon as I could for blood work. Was supposed to go Wednesday but ended up throwing up that day so didn't risk going out.

Things are better but still need work. I was into a pattern of throwing up every second day which didn't help the eating problem and had no interest in food as well, which really didn't help. Still don't have a lot of interest in food although that's starting to change. Carvis sliced steak into strips and fried that up tonight for Mouse and me. I had a little bit and actually wanted more. Unfortunately, Mouse thought I wouldn't want any more and took the rest. By the time I went back for more, it was too late. Oh well. At least i was interested in it. That's better than nothing.

My stomach starts the day being upset so I need to ettle it and then I spend the day eating slowly. I get something to eat, like a bowl of cereal and take between 30 and 45 minutes eating only to start being hungry again about 30 minutes later. *sighs* If I eat faster my stomach gets upset and I throw up. I can go longer between eating sessions but the hunger level just keeps increasing and if it gets too high my stomach gets upset. Grr. I will find a balance.

Spices are weird. Some upset my stomach, some don't. Tomatoes are fine but sauces based on tomatoes upset my stomach. Italian and now Catalina salad dressing are upsetting but Caesar salad dressing isn't nor is sweet and sour sauce. I guess I have to be weird and different or is that difficult? :P

Whatever. The important thing is that I'm back to taking an interest in what I'm doing and determined to fix things. Might not know exactly how but I will find a way. Also, I was working on Christmas presents but had stopped just because I wasn't feeling any interest so now I need to move my butt and finish them. Luckily, it;s not many and they shouldn't take too long to do. Then i can work on a few things for my own pleasure and house and get my decorating done.

Carvis has asked me to start playing Christmas music early this year, on the 25th of Nov instead of waiting for Dec 1st as usual. He thinks this will be my last Christmas and wants it to be special, enough that he's willing to put up with it for longer than he normally does.  I think I'll be nice to him and keep the music low or just play it when he isn;t here and still wait until Dec 1st before I decorate.  I'm just trying to figure out how to have a tree this year without Ilara eating the tree and getting sick or hurting herself. That frncing idea is appealing but it takes more space than I really have in the apartment.

Considering the fact that she's already stared trying to get at the box, I don't hold any hope that she won't be interested in eating the tree this year.
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