peaceful. Thanksgiving break was peaceful. for the actual day of Thanksgiving, my grandma and her husband came over for linner (you can't call a 1:00 meal dinner) and left by 3:15. short lived, bu pleasant. after they left, we went outside and played football. the day after, we went out and saw Rent (excellent movie... would you light my candle? ;) that night I hung out with Christina and we went and crashed Matt Lee's house for a while. I haven't seen that boy pretty much since graduation so it was really cool. his girlfriend (from Hawaii) is so sweet!
the rest of the break consisted of me rereading Kane and Able by Jeffrey Archer. it's one of my very most favorite books. I love reading for fun. school definately gets in the way of that.
Meg came to stay with me on Tuesday before break and we had a great time. we don't look alike, but everyone says they can tell without a doubt that we are sisters by the way we act. I miss hanging out with her all the time... if only she came here, but I know she doesn't want to so c'est la vie!
school is out in less than 2 weeks. here come the heart attacks... how did time escape so quickly!? and why do all the fun night activities fall in these next few weeks as well? I shouldn't have watched It's a Wonderful Life last night but I couldn't help it. the holiday mood is far too evident already. oh man. in any case, I can't wait for tonight :)
2 nights in a row last week, I watched the sunset from the top of Barrows. it's therapy, like at the Lair, but with a much different view. Tristan took this picture but it pretty much captures the image of the city in a really moving way. I think I'll be making a habit of going up there whenever possible...