Back to Uni~~~

Sep 14, 2007 08:02

Wow. 8.02am and things are still happy in my life. XD Score! XD

My own little entry...
I'm busy packing/hoarding for my move to Uni for my OMG FINAL YEAR. *flailschokesdies* What's this? One more year then FREEDOM? EGADS! Then I get to be a packhorse and slave away for the rest of my life working. ... *fingers crossed about JET*

I'll be pretty busy today so I won't be on in the morning, plus WHEE~~~ I'm getting a haircut later on. ...a Johnny's haircut maybe? XDDDDDDD
... wait I lost track. I was trying to say I probably won't be on until the evening unless I go insane and get really really desperate so I'll spam those people on MSN then. Also I probably won't be on on Saturday because that's when I move back to uni, so when I get there, I'll have to *GASP* socialize with my friends! OHNOES. But I'll bother you all on Sunday again. So I don't classify this as a hiatus or anything (unless there's a one day hiatus? Can we just call it a day off?)

Thanks to omg, so many people, for offering their help with jfansubs. I've already bothered, pestered, and even flipped coins (it was one of Ro's special pennies) and the outcome was tinyangl and nitross for co-mods. But if I need anyone else in the future, I'll definitely bother everyone else who offered. XDDD

I'm still pretty busy, and I think I'll continue to be until Sunday, because once I've settled in, that's basically it. I've got more free time at Uni then I do at home. :P

So that's my random update. Everything's good now, and how can I not be with amazing friends like you?
Anyway, thanks so much. *lots of hugs*

x Cami

Sorry Ro, but I think your bid for Pi's sexy boobs is falling, fast. XD
... on another note... still on manboobs...
... in HanaKimi, is it just me or when Oguri Shun took his shirt off, his right manboob was normal but the other was either REALLY flat or curved in? XDDDD
... oh and since I've never mentioned it before...
Nanba-senpai looks good in a bra.

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